part 33

324 13 13

The clean morning I woke up in my bed was hazy. I was still in the dress I put on when I left my house. The hangover was burning in my head, vividly flashing images of the activities that had gone down. I could recollect nothing after the light feather fell and leaned on Touya's body. I went downstairs from my bedroom to the front porch looking left, there was my car, nicely parked there. For a minute I doubted if I dreamt whatever I saw but then it was hard to believe it was a dream when wind fluttered the fabric of my dress still clinging onto my skin. He carried me all the way here and somehow made sure I was sleeping up in my bedroom. 

A sense of warmth crept up my body imagining the scenario. My stomach twisted at the images. Only if it could be forever and not just one night. Only if I could see him everyday. Now again all that was left of him was a faint scent on my clothes. I scratched my eyes to wash away the feels and stepped inside the house. It was 9am and my work at Endeavor’s began at 10am.

Absent-mindedly looking out of the window while making my coffee. I thought about what he told me. He was going to redeem he said, for me he said, For me. Just me. I couldn’t quite put into words the feeling propagated in me but it was the most special I felt in a while. I could say that much. I once heard that there was life imprisonment to the great villain who once decided to redeem. It caused quite a surge at that time. If the same…..

No, I couldn't get my thoughts entwined in that. I took a sip of my coffee, resisting the urge to google ‘what happens if a villain redeems’. If I read something even slightly shady there. I wouldn’t be able to sleep. For the time being I collected all the necessary things and left for Endeavor’s agency. Walking through the cobblestones I keep peeing at every head with black hair almost calling out Touya’s name. Turns out the city was thronging with his shadows, I saw him everywhere maybe because of the relief that the thing in common between us was this city.

Mere two thoughts later I was standing in front of the tall agency of Endeavor. I made my way up to the top of the main office, through the dimly lit corridors I saw Miko coming out of one room. I shouldn’t be surprised as heroes would often visit to give reports and stuff about their area. I maintained a calm composure and decided to avoid meeting her gaze. Hers was the opposite though, I felt it eating away my surface skin. 

“Keep up the pretense I know your illicit affairs' ' she murmured brushing her shoulder against mine. I decided not to react but I could’ve literally brought the whole agency down to the roads if there would have been no control over my quirk. I lifted my palm and there was a small piece of crumpled up paper. 

“Meet us at 8 near clock square”

‘Us’ who? Was this something I should be concerned about? Had the rumors already gotten out? Did someone see us last night? A hundred suspicions popped up at my core making it harder to breathe every second. Images flashed by of probable sights I might've been busted. Nothing made sense, so I did the next thing without making myself more concerned and breaking the chain. 

Two eyes of endeavor stared up at me from his table and then they relaxed. “You seem disoriented” he made an observation.

Very accurate I must say. “Yea my alarm didn’t ring today” I just wanted to be away from  worry for the few hours that I worked there among the aspiring heroes and fellow interns. “Anyways I prepared all the reports you asked me to”


8:00 P.M

The time I was supposed to head to the clock square. But I didn’t. I was hurrying my way home. All the gazes of the passersby on me felt like the rumor had prevailed like a forest fire and any minute then might someone come and stop me, maybe take me somewhere or accuse me of being on the side of the villains, a spy in a hero world. An abomination to Endevor. The displacing heads faded away when in the plain view I recognized hawks walking up to me. I was relieved, now I’d be safe on the way home but as he got nearer, the intensity in his eyes told me a different story. A far more different story in which I was proved naive to believe such absurd ideas. Nobody would like to be on my side here. Ofcourse. I backed away, panicking and walking backwards facing him in terror, bumping into a lot of people behind me, I turned and tried to run away. I couldn’t use my power there or I’d burst human bodies. I started running or atleast I attempted to before I stumbled badly due to the sharp force on my wrist dragging me back. I fell down and looked up at the strangers that were looking down on me. The disgust that shone in their eyes.

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