part 13

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The picture above is drawn by me,  I'd attach more if I feel like. It's my visual representation of y/n's hand. Hope you like it<3

Also self harming is not promoted, we shouldn't hurt ourselves. ⚠


"Y/n what the hell happened?" he rushed to me, his eyes pinpointed to my wrists. 

I really didn't get what the rush was. I was just bleeding. It shouldn't be a big deal for a person like him who dealt in bloody businesses on a daily basis. 

There might be a possibility that he was worried about his pillow cover or bed sheet and maybe rushed to push me off the bed. Villains don't care about captives. 

I was gonna be a captive who died because she can't get a damn bottle of water. Very lame death. I hoped he was good at keeping secrets. 

I got myself prepared to be thrown out of bed as I saw him moving closer to me. My head was throbbing and everything was so wobbly, I wondered how the hell was he able to walk on that shaky floor. 

He came even nearer to me, I closed my eyes, the next moment I was supposed to be thrown out of bed with a loud thud or that's what I thought. 

I didn't get thrown, instead a clinking sound reverberated in the room, it was produced because he freed my hands and my wrists lay in his palms, staining them with my crimson blood. 

I opened my eyes realizing the fact I wasn't thrown out. I saw his face half gleaming due to the light entering through windows, he kept looking down on my wounds as if trying to write a thesis on how they happened, the blood continuously dripping out wasn't showing any mercy to my life force. 

It was somehow satisfying seeing it though. 

I can't say the same for him, it seemed like he was masking the panic beneath him with a composed facade. Probably I was too semi conscious to even deduct that. It was probably the side effect of all those romance manga and books I read in my free time. 

I was much of a hopeless romantic to think that a villain would be panicking over me. 

With every bit of calmness fitted within him. He got up so casually like a person wasn't losing their life force every passing second in front of him. I thought he got up to leave the room and let me die in peace. But I was wrong again. 

He opened the first drawer and took out those bandages, antiseptics, pink scarf and cotton, heading back in my direction. 

None of his staples were bleeding which meant, those were for me. Never have I felt so good in my 1 month 15 days of life. A criminal was actually gonna treat my wounds. 

Wait was he really a villain? To treat my wounds shouldn't be his cup of tea. 

He once again took my hands in his hands, starting to wipe the thick deposits of blood solidified in some places by then. 

"This is gonna hurt, bare with it," he said, not bothering to look up. 

"I wasn't gonna bother even if you were to throw me off this bed, this is kinda better than that" I scoffed. 

Those puppies from earlier returned and began dancing again. 

"Why would I throw you off the bed" I heard his voice in the background while I enjoyed that little adorable dance of puppies. 

I didn't answer him, instead I shot a more important question, "you didn't tell me you had puppies here"

He made an effort to look up at me, that too with an expression as if I told him that I exposed the league. "What puppies?!"

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