part 4

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It was the 'turquoise eye'

I had my eyes fixed his left eye for sometime. It was just like the eye I saw in my dreams. Weird that I remembered those eyes in my dream so accurately, almost as if its the only memory that I haven't forgotten. That was it, that was the sign the universe sent me to continue my investigation. I smirked internally at myself. 

All that time I was busy looking at his turquoise eye. I failed to notice the absolute silence that took over the room.

I thought of breaking the silence so I coughed a little and then continued "Umm…...have we met before. Unfortunately my stupid brain can't remember things" I chuckled awkwardly and it was even more awkward when I was the only one doing it. 

Half and half boy had every sign of despair imprinted on his face. However, the boy was a gentleman, I just knew it because he immediately replied just when I thought not a muscle on his serious face was gonna move. 

"I am Todoroki Shouto. We've met before"

I could see from the corner of my eye that Miko was giving him death glares probably because she told him not to mention 'anything stupid'. Poor boy indeed. Nevertheless I was not going to give up, I wanted to know what it was all about, what were they hiding from me. I shot another question his way. 

"Ohh really! How were we acquainted?" well that was a good question unless he lies.

Miko's icy cold glares intensified. They could've froze anything at that point. Atleast I got to know I was going to get some vital information.

Please don't lie. Please don't lie. Please dont lie.

Something told me he was going to lie about it and I would never be able to know because I don't know what the truth is in the first place. My brain had one job! My eyes were fixed on the half and half boy, I wasn't in mood to miss any syllable he utters.

He finally spoke, ignoring unsuccessfully the glares from Miko "We went to the same school that's all"

I can tell it's a lie. I don't know but I know it's a lie. He put no effort in making it smooth. Dang! noobie. 

"Ohh that's all? Were we in the same class?" stupid question indeed! but at least he'll spill the tea or that's what I thought.

"No, I got in through recommendations at the time of your graduation. You were classmate of someone I used to know"

He's good at not spilling the tea but I am gonna dive further into it now. Who is this 'someone he used to know'.

"Who?" I said curiously. He parted his lips so to say something when Miko interrupted him "It's me, it's me"

"But he said someone he used to know." I said immediately. 

"I am sorry it was a slip of tongue" he said covering his mistake. 

Now it was even more suspicious to me. These two surely can't hide anything properly. For now this was my defeat. However I will not give up. I am going to know what they are hiding and how is endeavour involved in my accident. I acted like I didn't have any idea about their little hiding thingy and just nodded.

After a few seconds the boy spoke again "I was here to pay a visit to my mother. I am Endeavour's youngest son. Old man invited you to our house. Please come by once you're dismissed from here."

I again saw Miko's hella disappointed face from the corner of my eye. What was the matter? He only invited me to hus house what could be so bad about it. Ignoring my entangled thoughts, I nodded profusely "Yea sure"

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