part 23

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She passed one shot to me. I gazed at it in hesitation of whether I should drink it or not.

I turned my head to spot Dabi, I saw him but the boy from earlier wasn't standing with him, he was standing with somebody else.

I already prepared myself that I had to get his attention by gesturing or shaking my hand or something.

But it turned out He was already looking at me....

I went stiff for a moment. I didn't expect him to be already looking at me, I avoided too much eye contact and asked him by gesturing with my head if I should have a drink.

He shook his head slightly to indicate it was okay for me to have it. I turned around right away grabbing the small glass thingy and taking it all in one go.

It was bitter at first and made me want to throw up, but the after effect, I must admit, was amazing

"Drinking for the first time?" Madonna asked with a smile.

"I don't know, I don't remember" I frowned.

"Ohh" she said in a confused tone, "Have you come here for the first time with Dabi?"

That question made me remember I was talking to a girl he has had sex with, I spinned around fiercely, he was still looking at me. This time I didn't avoid him, I threw him a look.

He raised his eyebrows in uncertainty.

He looked cute nonetheless, he was stupid.

I hated him.

I couldn't believe he was clueless. I held my head shaking my it in disappointment.

"You two had a fight?" Madonna asked.

"Something like that" I leaned on the table with my hairs Falling over my face.

"You don't like it here?"

I nodded in agreement.

"I guess you don't like me too" she shook her hand in the air to convey she doesn't mind it though.

"No, it's not like that. On the contrary, I think you're really beautiful," I pointed out.

"You really think so," the grin on her face became really bright, "But are you sure because Dabi and I have-"

"I know" I stated, "I have no reason to hate you, and nor do I have for him but still I am mad at him I don't know why" I buried my face into my hands on table, "I am really a mess"

"Well, things like that happen when we're in love. We can't seem to perceive why we feel a certain type of way towards somebody."

I blushed evidently at her remark, I was not in love with him. I knew myself. I am not. It's just, he reminds me of Touya and.....

My mind went blank.

That was all he did. I was not in love with him. We're just pretending to be committed to each other. It'd end as the night would end.

Plus he was that kind of guy. I wouldn't want to fall for him.

"Have you ever been in love?" I asked her.

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