part 30

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"I'll take it" I agreed to the job offer Endeavor just presented. He didn't feel like Endeavor though. I doubted the person I was seeing was scared because life had been kicking his butt and now he just wants to go fishing and chill. 

He was… he used to be so blunt and egoistic but since All might drama and him becoming the no. 1 hero really did awaken the person in him. I never thought the first thing I'll do after getting back to normal life is accepting a job offer from Endeavor. 

Turns out those headlines about him were true after all. I took a peak at Hawks standing behind me who had been convincing me the whole way here that Endeavor meant no harm. 

He gave a self satisfied smile.

"Would you give us a moment alone?" Endeavor said, shocking both of us. 

"Of course" Hawks smirked and then I heard the sound of the door shutting behind me. 

"Y/n" he sighed, "I know this might seem strange and I know I haven't been the best person in your life. I am working on myself and my family. I had a kind of confrontation with Natsu a while ago. I've realised a lot of things about me and I've decided to face everything I wasn't right at. Starting with the family..."

My eyes were widening with every word. I knew what was going to come next and I wasn't ready for it. After I came back I had constantly been ignoring one thing.. 

"..I just wish Touya was here too. He would've wanted this, to talk to me. I wish I could've made everything right with him. Now he's not here and you're the person he loved and I consider you a part of our family. I will understand if you hate me and wouldn't want to forgive me but one chance is all I ask of you."

I felt my throat going stiff, I didn't understand one thing happening in my life. It was on autopilot. 

One thing I knew was I was not going to connect with him again. Our goals didn't meet and he was a different person. It'd only bring frustration to me even if he loved me.

Some things are just not meant to be.

"I think I need some time to think" I summoned the strength to speak. 

"I expect it to be a lot. Take your time" he said handing me the papers relating to the job. 

I was a general studies student and keeping reports on hero equipment, forecasting threats and keeping the interns in check was my duty. Also forecasting the probable elements needed was also my duty. At least I'd be busy with something legal on my hand and not fooling around in the west side of the city. 

I walked out of his office analyzing papers he just handed me, reading through them to look cool in corridors trying to avoid one thing that pushed me to the verge of breaking down and scratching the walls like a mad cat. 

"Told ya" I heard a voice suddenly popping beside me. 

I winced at the unexpected, "I thought you left," I said, eyes glued on papers. 

"How could I? I haven't dropped you home yet" 

I shook my head in absolute denial "you don't have to. It's like 20 minutes walk from here. It's alright." 

"I know but let me. I want to do it" he offered. 

"No, I am fine on my own and if you think I'd talk about the whole kidnapping thing. I won't. Don't make me do things I don't want to"

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