part 28

319 17 19

Heyy I am not dead!!


Couples dancing around, warm lights and a sweet smelling evening but yet far brighter than the one I saw in my memory. I was not alone. Dabi was with me and I was reminded again and again of his presence beside me because he won't let go of my hand. 

I'm not complaining but it's making me ticklish on my wrist and I don't like it.

"Y/n" I heard a voice I could recognize. It was Madonna!

I quickly faced her showing my best toothy grin, "We meet again" 

"Let's have some wine together, '' she proposed. I would've instantly said yes if not for the one beside me. He kept looking around like a stressed person and wouldn't let go of my hand. 

"I want to go roam around here a bit" I made an effort for my freedom. 

"Roam where?" he asked sternly. 

He was always weird and mysterious but that day he was extra weird, "Just around to see the decorations, I'm not alone Madonna would be with me" I said hopefully. 

"You fight with me to not send you away from me but then you want to do the same" He said in the same cold tone. 

I gestured Madonna that he was being a dick but I don't know why she laughed and told me it was cute. She raised both of her thumbs in a way of saying good luck to you both. 

Why was it cute!? More like how it was cute?. 

I quickly turned to face him again, this time in a not so pretty way, "Why are you being a dickhead!? Few moments ago……" I paused for a moment giving having a second thought on what I was going to say but then I thought fuck it, "...few moments ago, you were so nice" I mumbled and made my voice slowly fade away towards the end. 

"I was what?" He frowned and bent a little to bring his ear closer to my mouth. 

It was a simple act, yes! I shouldn't be getting butterflies over such petty things. It's my frickin' body not me. 

"I said you were so nice a few moments ago" I mumbled. 

"I am not that nice" he shrugged.

"I am not appreciating you. I am saying that you're a dickhead!" I spoke loudly. 

"What? I can't hear you?" 

"You're a dickhead!!"

"I still can't hear you"

I sighed starting to put all my energy into struggling against his hold on my hand, "let me go" 

"Where do you wanna go?" he asked calmly.

"Away from you" I said, trying hard to set my hand free but his hold suddenly got more firm. It hurt a bit. 

"Away from me?" he slid his hand around my waist and pulled me towards him. I was so not immune to him doing things to me. My body suddenly started to feel weak. "I won't. Tell me what do you want to see? I'll come with you" he whispered in my ear. 

"I asked because It was Madonna. I don't want to see anything specifically" 

He didn't say anything in reply. He just put a little distance between us and now we both were staring into a far end where couples were slowly dancing with each other. 

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