part 6

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I just realized that I forgot to mention Miko's quirk is 'teleport', she can teleport herself and non living things. It drains a lot of energy tho


"Where's the key to that little door beside the bathroom? And what's inside it?" I asked in one breath.

There was a prolonged silence on the other side of the phone. I waited patiently for her answer. After a few more seconds of silence, she spoke

"Oh! T-that door! Ahh ye-yess! The keys are with me. Actually the key to that door got lost. I just found it that's why it wasn't attached to the bunch"

I let out a breath I've been holding in "Ohh! Okay but what's inside that room anyways?"

"N-nothing, they're just some old things and photos and stuff like that you know."

"No I don't. What kind of stuff? What photos?"

"Your childhood photos, your journals and all. All that nostalgic stuff"

"You better give me the keys tomorrow. I wanna have a look at them. Gosh! Why didn't you tell me before" I muttered in excitement.

"uhmm y-yea sure"

With that she hung up.

Was it the connection or she was stuttering the whole time? I wouldn't want to think about it like c'mon it isn't good to see everything with suspicion. I might've disturbed her sleep. I gazed at the small door for the last time and went to the front door to lock it.

As soon as I held the door knob, a shrill noise suddenly started ringing in my head. It was annoying as hell. I let go of the knob and rubbed my temple with my fingers. It was inevitable. My vision turned a bit blurry due to the sudden headache. I saw the door was slightly open probably because when I let go of the door knob, I might've twisted it a little.

My head picked the most inappropriate moments to torture me. In normal situations I would've given in and laid down on the floor like a good little unconscious girl, but for now I had to shut that front door for safety purposes. So, slowly I reached out for the door knob again, the stinging pain in my head wouldn't let me focus, the door knob was dancing before me. Suddenly my heart raced. I sensed someone standing on the porch.

I hurried and tried to grab the knob but instead I accidentally pushed the door and it swung open.

Lame! Really really lame!

I stood there trying to stabilize my vision. I peered into the darkness outside, struggling to see who was there on the porch. I rubbed my eyes and moved forward. The pain started receding as moved towards the porch, I perceived unknown excitement in addition to heat travelling up my cheeks.

Seriously what was happening? My body was malfunctioning. help!

I took two more steps forward and I felt tingling sensations along with butterflies in my stomach. Blast this whole situation. I was standing on the porch. There was not a single soul there. It was just me, alone, standing there looking as stupid as I can.

I could've sworn there was someone or was I hallucinating? Of all times my mind tried to play 'guess the person' with me now. Was that supposed to be a deja vu, a dream, a what?

State I was in was really bizzare. I felt heat on my cheeks, tingling sensations all over my skin, an unknown euphoria as well as butterflies in my stomach. What were they doing down there. There were no males or females around me for that purpose.

When I say 'brain is the strangest thing' you better believe me. It gave me hints of something special that happened on the Porch. I know it was a hallucination of past events that happened there.

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