part 2

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I smiled at her uttering "I lived".

"Of course you did you dummy" her voice cracked at the end, sobbing softly she took a few strides making her way to me. She hugged me tightly as to squeeze life out of me and I just sat there accepting her hug as she whimpered on my shoulders. After a minute I finally spoke up for my poor self

"I am sorry I made you so worried all this time but you're squeezing me a little too hard" I chuckled lightly.

She finally let go of me "Sorry, it's really good to see you again." she wiped the tears in her eyes and also the ones which rolled down her cheeks. looking my way again, she gave me a wide grin. I had to admit it, she looked as red as a tomato. What did I even do to have such a precious soul as my friend.

"Do you remember me?" her face relaxed, exposing a little sad expression over it.

"I am afraid I don't" I could've jumped off a cliff rather than saying that sentence because as soon as those words escaped my lips, her face saddened even more. "I am really sorry I want to remember." I added.

"No no, don't stress yourself. I am Miko Nakamura. Doctor told me about your condition. If you think too much you'll get a headache. We wouldn't want that now, would we?" she smiled.

I nodded speaking again, "Is there anybody else who checked up on me or was connected to me. Do I have parents?"

She shifted her gaze to the floor, as if gathering courage to speak up. "Your parents passed away when you were 11 and I was the only one who checked up on you all this time"

"Ohh" I said looking at my palms.

So I was right, I had no parents. I don't know anything about myself, such a pity that I forgot who I am. Damn brain is a nasty thing.

"How about I answer all your questions today, so you would have a better idea of what were you like" suddenly her voice sounded cheerful and her eyes gleamed with hope.

"Yess that'd be great." I happily agreed to her proposition. "So....what is my full name and my quirk"

She mentioned "Your full name is y/n l/n and your quirk is collapse and heal. It is the unusual combination of your parents quirk. You can break anything living or nonliving and you can heal living things. Collapse was your father's quirk and heal was your mother's"

"Ohh. So that happened because of my quirk?" I asked, pointing at the crack on the wall in front of me.

"Yess apparently your collapse quirk is too strong for you to control. Yet you trained and had it under control before your accident. It goes out of control only when you panic"

"And what about my phone's password I guess there's no possibility of anyone else knowing it except you" I said with my gaze fixed on my phone which was lying on the table beside me. I then realized that she didn't answer it so I looked her way, she looked like she was at war with herself about what would be the best thing to say to me.

"You're right. Actually I knew your previous password but it seems like you changed your password again just before the night of accident"

"Man what a pain, why did I do that" I shrugged.

"I know right." she chuckled.

"what about my hospital expenses though?" I wondered as I calculated the expense that must've been generated due to my sleeping. Afterall it wasn't the cost anybody could meet.

"Endeavour is the one paying for your comfort" all of a sudden her face showed no sign of happiness. On the other hand it became dead serious and although I didn't know this man, my mind just told me to hate him. Maybe that's how I felt before when I was well judging by the expression she had that might be the case.

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