part 12

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"I am sure"

Everyone's jaw dropped at the confirmation. What was so surprising about it. Yess I was healthy, broke and alive. 

"You mean she was alive this whole time. How come nobody ever found out?" the leader asked. 

"Y/n had no family and very few friends. Who'd search her whereabouts if she was to disappear one day. Endeavor took the liberty and exploited this fact. She didn't come out herself because she was in coma this whole time" Dabi shrugged 

Ouch. That hurt. At this rate if anyone tells me that I was actually an alien. I might believe them. 

"Endeavor proclaimed her dead, means she knows something Endeavor wouldn't want the public to know…….I like that" the leader let out a chuckle. 

"but she doesn't know anything, all her memories have been wiped out" 

"Still having her captive alone is advantageous. Endeavor would be screaming and running around by now in search of her. I want her to stay with league until she gains her memories again" 

"Yep, that was my point." Dabi put his hands into his pockets. "So, tell me" he looked around "Who'd she be staying with?"

"Of course us, you never bother to look after any captive and you run from the responsibility. Plus I will get a new bestie" the high school girl grinned. 

"We're operating as a team and we're busy for now. By the looks of it she's too vigilant, she might run away in our watch……..I think she should stay with us" guy standing beside the girl said. 

Bipolar much.

But they didn't know one fun fact about me. I wouldn't strive to run away from there. Learning that I was proclaimed dead, that every single thing I should know was kept hidden from me. Why would I return to that life again? If staying here would trouble Endeavor. I, with my whole heart, would be a captive. 

"So, it's me." Dabi said, sighing. 

"Oh, you're actually ready to look after someone. I don't think he'd look after her. She's gonna run away under him too" the blonde girl narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Dabi.

"You're implying that she should stay with boss then?" Dabi said sarcastically. 

"No, Tomura Shigaraki has no time to look after some menial captive" a voice came out of that smokey thing. 

He had officially crossed it. 

"Who are you calling a 'menial captive', you pathetic little cluster of cigarette smoke" I stepped forward but I was immediately pulled backwards by a pair of strong arms, grabbing me by my waist. 

A body pressed against my back. He whispered in his deep voice "Behave"

I felt butterflies in my stomach.

The blonde girl giggled clapping. "So, she actually listens to him"

I came back to my senses. No of course not. I was distracted. I freed myself from his grip. "I hate you" I hissed at Dabi. 

"the feeling's reciprocated darling"

"Don't call me that" I turned my face away from him, folding my hands, again not giving a flying fuck about his staples. 

"ouch" he mumbled in a low voice, only audible to me. 

"Dabi is to look after her," the leader ended the controversy. 

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