part 9

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"......Okay Miss you're hired. Here is your uniform" The interviewer said

Initially I had no problems with uniform but unfolding the one I got, I changed my mind, "What the hell is this? I have to wear this?" I pointed at the dress in my hand in disappointment.

"Are you not familiar with maid café? I find it quite surprising" the interviewer's eyes narrowed.

What did I miss in this one year? I wake up and people have developed a new kink of maid outfit. So, that's why the pay here was good. Anyways I was ready to do anything if I got the money.

"No, I am very familiar with maid café and I totally expected this but I don't like the pattern of this dress. Can I choose my own?" I lied.

"Oh! Sure. We have three more..."

I chose the one which was a bit decent.

"Your shift starts in two hours" the interviewer notified me.

I nodded and left


I arranged my stuff as I reached my apartment. It took me one hour to do so. I checked the time and then quickly slid into the maid outfit I had to wear for my job. I completely disregarded the fact that how weird I'd look on my way to work and when I realized it, it was already too late. I was receiving weird looks from passersby on the streets.

I made a mental note of changing at the workplace starting tomorrow to save myself from this embarrassment.

I reached the café at the prescribed time, 5:00 pm.

I introduced myself to my co-workers and I was immediately ordered to serve the person on table 4. I took the checks on which I was supposed to write the orders and walked towards table no. 4.

There was only one person sitting there, looking down on his phone. He didn't even notice my sleek figure standing in front of him. It made me question my appearance, I was supposed to grab more attention in maid outfit.

"Have you decided your order, Sir?" I asked brightly.

He looked up right at me in confusion. My smile faded into thin air and I froze right then and there, getting goosebumps all over my body as I peered into his 'oh so familiar turquoise eyes.'

There was no way!

"huhh?" he made a sound

I snapped back "Ummm....your order!" I said pointing at the paper in my hands. He picked up the menu while I studied his visage.

He seemed like a normal person who is having a break from his work. Brown hair, brown skin. Why was I studying his face?

Not all people who have turquoise eyes are Touya! Get a hold of yourself.

"I'll have a frappuccino," he said, placing the menu back on the table.

"Ohh....right....anything else?"

He nodded in denial.

I deposited the copy of the check to the person in charge and kicked my brain internally. 'It is simply intolerable, how was I even looking for Touya inside him? Dead don't come to life. I am not living in a fairy tail. This is reality.'

I am an adult and I should behave like one. Stop spacing out during work hours. I'm here to earn money and not to find Touya in somebody else. He's long gone, I should accept it and get a move on.

I worked till 8 pm non stop without spacing out like a good employee. My shift ought to end at 9 pm. The last hour was pretty boring. The number of customers decreased and the few tables that were occupied were served by other workers there, So I just sat there idly by watching news on TV.

Reminiscence [Dabi X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now