✧14. Worry?!✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

Taehyung ran, ran, and ran until his legs gave up & he is out of breath. He falls to his knees on the road, crying, closing his face with his hands.

Just then the rain starts pouring puppies & kittens but eventually, it started raining dogs & cats. Taehyung cries & cries until his sobs are lessened to sniffs in the rain.

After some time, he gets up, all soaked in rain, & he didn't know where he is at present. He just ran off somewhere but now looking at his surroundings, it's so unfamiliar.

Of course, he wouldn't know any of the surroundings cause he never actually came there. The street is so quiet. Maybe due to heavy rain, all the shops are closed & there is not a single person out.

Taehyung suddenly gets scared, holding himself tightly while shivering in the cold rain he tries to get under a shade when he sees a small shed & runs towards it to take shelter from the rain for some time.

He gets under the shed & is still shivering as he is all wet from head to toe. Then he hears the loud thunders. He immediately closes his eyes & ears sitting down. He normally doesn't fear thunder sounds but today he is sensitive & there is no one around him which is making him fearful.

"Hey, here is a little abandoned kitten," Taehyung hears a voice behind him & some footsteps. He immediately opens his eyes to see who is it.

There were four men inside the shed, which is a small mechanic shop, he couldn't see clearly at first due to the heavy rain. But for some reason, he is relieved that there are people around.

He thought of borrowing their phone & call Yoongi so that his Hyung can pick him up from here. He gets up & slowly approaches them hesitatingly...

"Um...excuse me? Can I make a phone call?" Taehyung asks.

"Oh yeah, of course," One man in black smirks, taking out his phone.

Taehyung feels relieved & is about to take the phone when that man keeps the phone higher out of reach. He looks puzzled at the man while the other three men laugh.

"How about we have some fun before you call, pretty boy?" The man asks eyeing him from head to toe.

Taehyung then looks at his state & immediately feels conscious about his appearance & closes his chest with his hands.

The other three men also get up eyeing him while showing their disgusting smirk, he panics seeing the look in their eyes, & tries to run away from there but...

The man in the black catches Taehyung, "Where do you think you are going? I told you we should have some fun."

"Leave me!" Taehyung struggles to free himself from the hold of that man but in vain.

"It's useless to struggle, pretty boy. Be good & we will be gentle," The man says making Taehyung's eyes go wide, & he starts struggling more...

"Let me go!! Leave me!!" He screams but the other men also hold him now.

"Now, Now! Let's see the pretty body of yours," One man says trying to unbutton Taehyung's shirt, & the younger starts sobbing while screaming for help "Help!! Anybody!! Please help!!"

Then one man slaps Taehyung so hard that his handprint is stamped on his milky white cheeks & the corner of his lips bleed, "Don't scream. My ears will go deaf. Nobody will come to help you cause this area is ours," Another man says licking his lips & going towards him.

Taehyung cries hard, "P-please! L-let *sobs*m-me *sobs* g-go!" But the men just smirk & try to undress him.

He then while struggling, kicks the man who is trying to take his pants off & free himself, & takes some rod present there "Don't you dare come near me. You don't know...I know the Prosecutor Hoseok here. He will put you behind bars if you do anything to me," Taehyung spits what comes to his mind at that time.

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