✧16. Devious Plans!✧

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(A/N:- Hey Lovelies!! Long time no see!! I am back & I am going to update the book from now on, Updates are on every Wednesday! And thanks for the 9k reads lovelies💜💕!!)

Author's P.O.V:-

In Hoseok's Mansion...

After knowing about their marriage registration plan, Hoseok is furious. He already cooked a devious plan to stop the marriage from happening but still, he is angry & is in an off mood, in that mood he goes to the office.

Yook Sungjae, the secretary of Hoseok is waiting for him with dark circles around his droopy eyes & a file in his hands. It is the file about Taehyung that his boss asked him to keep on his table by the morning, which contains the information he worked on pulling an all-nighter and sacrificing his precious sleep.

Sungjae, at first thought Taehyung is some criminal or a spy so he thought he will dig up all the dirt on him but to his surprise, Taehyung is clean. He is so pure that while gathering the information about him,

He even had little tears in his eyes after knowing the pitiful life of Taehyung. So, now he had a big question mark as to why his boss is so invested in the information about Taehyung & the people around him.

He also gets to know that Taehyung is his boss's brother Jimin's best friend. So why does he have to collect the information? All his boss has to do is just ask his brother to know about him.

He is so confused & curious, even though he can sleep then & there. His mind is wide awake to hear the reason from his boss. So he is waiting for Hoseok while pondering over various possibilities...

Hoseok enters his office alerting his secretary who is daydreaming, standing on his foot. Sungjae immediately goes & takes off the coat and places it neatly on the wooden hanger. He then places the file having information about Min Yoongi & Taehyung.

"What's this file?" Hoseok asks, frowning.

"It's about the Min Yoongi guy who is close with Taehyung, Sir" Sungjae replies politely controlling his curiosity.

Hoseok throws away the file in frustration "Tell me briefly about him. I don't have the time to read the whole damn file."

Sungjae's expression becomes complicated.  

>>>But I have gathered all that information pulling an all-nighter, you are so cruel sir, not even looking at the file? 

>>>I prepared so much information on Taehyung & Min Yoongi

 He didn't say anything to Hoseok & covered his expression being a good secretary & replies politely again.

"Sir, Min Yoongi is the son of the Landlord of the house Taehyung lives in. They both have a good relationship. Min Yoongi is a famous psychiatrist in Seoul hospital. He also has a girlfriend. She is the famous actress IU. Yoongi & IU seem to love Taehyung so much, sir."

Hearing that Yoongi has a girlfriend, Hoseok strangely feels relaxed, "Alright, That's enough."

"But sir, I also-" Sungjae wants to tell him about the pitiful past of Taehyung to his boss but he is cut off.

"Cancel all my appointments for tomorrow, & also prepare a contract of marriage for me," Hoseok says shocking Sungjae.

"Marriage contract, sir?"

"Yes, the contract should include these points..." Hoseok starts saying & Sungjae immediately pulls out his notepad & starts noting them down.

After dictating all the points, Hoseok sends him to prepare it. Sungjae got the blow of his life. Cause, his crush, his boss is going to marry Taehyung?????

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