✧49. Family reunion✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

The Next Morning...

They are all tired and sleeping in the resting cabin even though Taehyung insisted that they should go back and he will stay but none of them listened to it.

Hoseok and Jin got pretty close with Yoongi after knowing how he helped their better halves. While both the brothers and IU talked out all night.

They say everything happens for a reason. It seems that even though they all are gathered cause of Taehyung's mother's sudden illness they ended up having a great time together understanding each other.

Well, a great man said 'All's well that ends well.'

*Ring* *Ring*

Hoseok wakes up hearing his phone ring. He sees the caller ID and quickly takes the phone and goes out of the cabin not to wake any of them.

And he answers the call, "Hello, Jimin?"

"Hyung, where are you? Did you sleep in the office last night again? I told you to work in moderation. Why don't you listen? Is it necessary than your health? I am so mad right now. Come home quickly, you are not gonna leave the mansion today. Take the day off!"

Jimin keeps on blabbering. He is worried when his Hyung didn't come back home last night.

"Stop it, Minnie. I am sorry, I didn't tell you. I am a little busy right now. I will be back as soon as I finish the work, ok? Don't be mad and don't throw things."

Jimin who is holding a case and is about to throw stops hearing it,

"Do you think I am still a kid to throw things?"

"Yeah, so keep that thing you are holding in your hands aside and go eat something. I will come home soon."

"Did you place cameras in the mansion, Hyung?"

"Nope, I know you, my little brother."

Hoseok says smiling when he hears the sound of Jimin keeping the vase where it was originally placed.

"Alright, I won't make a mess. So you, be quick."

"Ok" saying that Hoseok hangs up the call.

Hoseok then goes inside to see Taehyung standing in the middle of the room rubbing his blurry eyes with his hand.

>>>Why is he so cute early in the morning.

"Good morning, Wifey" Hoseok whispers in his husband's ear startling him.

"Ah, that surprised me!" Taehyung jumps a little with the sudden hoarse voice in his ear.

Hoseok smiles and hugs the younger who hugs back and says in a slow voice, "Good morning to you too, Hubby."

Hoseok's smile widen. "I thought you will call me Mr. Hades again."

"Stop teasing me early in the morning, Hyuuuung!!" Taehyung whines hugging his husband more enjoying the warmth.

Yoongi who came there with coffee was stunned to see his favorite dongsaeng in Hoseok's arm with a delighted smile on his face.

He smiles,

>>>Finally, Tae is smiling like this again...I am happy to see him like this.

"Ahem!" Yoongi clears his throat, "Sorry to disturb you guys, wanna have some coffee?"

Taehyung immediately pushes Hoseok away flustered, Hoseok smiles seeing that.

"Of course, let me help you. Should we wake up the others too?" Hoseok takes the coffee cups in Yoongi's hands.

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