✧17. What Happened?✧

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(A/N: Hey Lovelies💜, I know I told you all that I will update on every Wednesday then I suddenly disappeared...

Sorry guys🤧!! My family planned a tour after my exams completed & I couldn't get the time to write the chap,

I know I should have notified ya'll but I didn't have the signal so I couldn't post a notification nor could reply to your comments,

Now I am back to my hostel, our college has started offline classes, I am going to attend them, so I will be updating the book every Saturday or if I couldn't do that on that day then I will surely update on Sunday, so don't worry, & I won't disappear again without notifying you guys!

Hope you guys enjoy the chap💜!)

Author's P.0.V.:-

The next morning everyone is ready with their plans to execute them. Taehyung's uncle & aunt are waiting for his arrival to start their plan of drugging him & sell him off to the rich person,- Evil.

Jimin is planning his & Taehyung's wedding without even letting him know about it, his plan is to call Taehyung to the registration office & convince him to marry him by hook or crook, -Stupid.

While Hoseok who knows that his brother is going to marry Taehyung has a plan up his sleeve & he is so sure that he will not let them get married today, - Cunning.

Jungkook plans to drown himself in alcohol from sunrise to sunset to drink up his sorrow, -Gloomy.

Meanwhile, Jin... well his plan-

At Eagle claws...

It is the day when Mi-Kwan is out of the city. Namjoon is now in front of the locker where all the documents of eagle claw's illegal doings are recorded & kept. He has a key in his hand. He just has to open it, take the files, hand them over it to Jin & that's it.

He can be free from this hellish place where he had to experience horrible things. His hands are shaking, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead. Wiping his sweat,

With trembling hands, Namjoon opens the locker. He takes the files, replaces them with some gibberish papers, closes the locker, and places the key where it is supposed to be.

He cross-checks those files once again. Namjoon holds those papers closely to his chest, excitement filling up his chest. His freedom... he is going to be free.

The happiness in his eyes when he hands over those documents to Jin & hugs him tightly,

"I will be free from this hell, finally *sobs* we will be free..." Namjoon mumbles tears of happiness flowing through his cheeks.

Jin is still in shock & couldn't believe that he has the documents he needed. 

>>>How did Namjoon manage to get them so easily?

"Jinnie, I love you," Namjoon says tightening his hug and leaving him speechless.

He didn't expect the deed to be done so fast. He thought maybe it might take some time. Maybe he is expecting that he could get some more time to spend with his Namjoon...

Jin's plan... -surprisingly completed?


That morning everyone are so confident that their plans are going to be accomplished.

But they didn't know the moonless night of that day will bring life-changing incidents that will turn their lives upside down. Which is the master plan of the FATE,

"Love's Peril" ♔A Vhope Fiction♔✔️Where stories live. Discover now