✧12.The Misunderstanding!✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

At Jeon's Mansion...

Jimin arrives at Jeon's Mansion after Hoseok called him to go there as his uncle needs something urgent,

"Uncle? Uncle?" Jimin calls from the living room.

"Your uncle is not in the mansion Mr. Park," Jungkook who is about to go out to his club as usual replies when he hears Jimin's voice booming all over the mansion.

"Oh, Kook. Then why did Hyung say that uncle needs something urgent?" Jimin questions confused as to why his Hyung said so.

"How the heck will I know that? I am getting late for my club, so bye-bye Mr.Park," Jungkook sasses while rolling his eyes & is about to pass Jimin but he holds Jungkook's wrist quickly.

"Club?? Why are you going to a club?" Jimin questions.

"Huff *scoffs* Why do people go to clubs? Of course, to party! I knew that you are dumb but I didn't know you are this dumb, Midget," Jungkook mocks wiggling his hand free but before he could walk away he is pinned to the nearby wall in between Jimin's arms.

"Who the fuck you are calling Midget? You son of- oh no! Uncle isn't but you are, you bitch! I was being so gentle to you & speaking with you coping with your sassy attitude but you shouldn't have called me Midget, bitch!" Jimin says in his dark tone which he always covers in front of others.

Jungkook's eyes widen at the sudden change in his behavior. As far as he knows & saw sometimes Jimin is like a gentleman who is praised by everyone for his good behavior & how he is an idle man with best qualities.

Jungkook gulps in fear seeing the dark look in his brown orbs, "You! l-let me g-go," he stutters gathering his courage but mentally facepalms himself for stuttering like that.

"Say sorry. Then I might think of letting you go," Jimin demands pressuring Jungkook's wrist making him wince in pain.

"Ahh, it hurts! Leave me," Jungkook shrieks.

"I said say sorry, bitch!" Jimin commands with his raspy voice.

"S-sorry!" Jungkook apologizes with almost tears in his eyes.

Jimin immediately leaves, he quickly holds his wrist as it is paining, it is blood red & Jimin's fingers are printed on his wrist.

"You bast-" Jungkook is about to curse but Jimin keeps his index finger on his lips & says "Nah if I were you I would have watched my mouth. Don't get me madder or else you will see the Jimin *grips Jungkook's Jaw* who will make you be terrified to even open your mouth again. You see I am not so gentle as everyone says," he speaks smirking evilly to which Jungkook gets goosebumps making him shiver under the elder's gaze.

 You see I am not so gentle as everyone says," he speaks smirking evilly to which Jungkook gets goosebumps making him shiver under the elder's gaze

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Jungkook gets so weak under his gaze but soon composes himself, pushes him away & quickly makes a run out of the mansion. After getting out he pants as if he is holding his breath for a long time & keeps his left hand on his chest feeling his heartbeat which is beating as if it would come out at any second.

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