✧35. Hearty Talks-3✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

"Don't worry, we still have a very long way to go, like we have the whole life unless you have plans to get divorced from me. Cause for me I will only have one man in my life and now that we are married that man for me is you. But I will still respect your decision cause I didn't ask for your opinion when I forced you into this contract, so if you wanna leave I will not stop, you can go have your life. I am fine with anything, you are free to make the decision, Tae."

After hearing Hoseok, "I-I don't want to divorce you...I want to be with you...b-but..." Taehyung hesitates.

"But?" Hoseok frowns.

>>>But I fear that you will be the one to leave me...who will not want me anymore. I am just a boring person, you'll get bored of me and will want to divorce me...

Taehyung doesn't say what his fears are, he just hugs Hoseok more tightly shutting his eyes close.

Hoseok frowns more, "But what, Tae?"

Taehyung understands that he wants to hear, "That...I...you..." he hesitates to bring up that he is scared of Hoseok leaving him.

"Hmm...I am listening" Hoseok speaks softly patting the younger's back and encouraging him to speak his mind.

"Y-You might leave.. m-me," Taehyung says shutting his eyes more tightly.

"Didn't I tell you? I will have only one man in my life and that is you, so don't worry, now that you also don't want to leave me, I think we will work out our relationship slowly, hm?"

Hoseok rubs the younger's back and he nods to that, "Now, now let's bath, or else do you wanna spend naked, hugging like this?"

He teases making the younger push him a little, they both finish their bath with so much of Hoseok's teasings & Taehyung's blushings.

"I won't bathe with you anymore, Mr.Hades!" Taehyung pouts while putting on the bathrobe.

"Why?" Hoseok asks back hugging the younger and placing his chin on his shoulder.

"You tease my..." Taehyung doesn't wanna word it out.

"Tease your what?" Hoseok asks, smirking.

"Mine isn't small, yours is abnormally big!" Taehyung comments still pouting.

Hoseok chuckles at the comment, "Alright, it's my fault for growing my junior bigger, ok?"


"Come on stop sulking, let's go & put on some clothes, aren't you hungry?" Hoseok breaks the hug & pushes the younger to walk.

"I am not-" As soon as Taehyung says the word his stomach "*Growl*" embarrassing the younger.

"Hahaha, yeah you aren't hungry but your stomach is!" Hoseok comments.

Taehyung stops walking and then winces looking back at Hoseok, "Why, what happened?" He asks seeing the almost glossy eyes of the younger.

"It still hurts," Taehyung says & extends his arms asking the elder to lift him.

"Now that I think I have gained a little cub instead of a husband" Hoseok taunts lifting the younger in his arms.

"Mmhh~" Taehyung whines lightly hitting on the elder's chest.

Hoseok just smiles. Shaking his head & carries him to their room.

He places the younger gently on the bed, "Turn around I will apply the cream."

"I-I will do it" Taehyung stutters looking embarrassed.

"Love's Peril" ♔A Vhope Fiction♔✔️Where stories live. Discover now