✧41. Talk✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

"Hyung, where are you taking me?" Taehyung asks as Namjoon is been dragging him inside the mansion.

Namjoon stops in front of a door, "Let's go inside and talk."

They both get inside, "Tae, tell me what's that red mark on your neck?"

Taehyung gets flustered at the question as he remembers this morning Hoseok has bitten him like a vampire to wake him up.

>>>What should I say? That Mr.Hades sucked on my neck?

"Then, is what Hoseok said back there true? You both...?" Namjoon hesitates to ask further.

"It is, Hyung. That day I was so drunk that I couldn't remember anything except waking up the next morning laying beside him in an inappropriate condition..."

>>>It is true, I don't know why but I can't remember anything that happened except some little flashes where I said some embarrassing things...

"So, he married you taking the responsibility?"

>>>He actually forced me though...

"Yes, Hyung."

"Did mother tell you about our family genes?" Namjoon asks with a slight anxiousness in his tone.

"About the males of our family having the ability to give birth?"

"So, she told you. Then, did you tell Hoseok about it?"

"No..." Taehyung shakes his head.

"If you both are in that kind of relationship then you know the chances of you getting pregnant is pretty high?"

"Hyung... I am worried about that. I don't remember that day if he...you know...if he did it in me or not. What if I get pregnant? He is so nice to me and I love him...I don't want him to be disgusted by me...what should I do, Hyung?"

Taehyung voices out his worries finally. He wanted to talk about it but no one can understand his situation.

While his mother will worry too much, he couldn't tell her. Now that his hyung brought it up he wants to share his worry with him.

"Why would he be disgusted by you, Tae? He loves you too right? When one loves a person they'll love them as a whole. And I think Hoseok isn't that type, he is mature enough to understand the situation" Namjoon pats the younger.

"I know Hyung, he is so nice and understanding but I am scared...that he'll leave me, and now I can't live without him." Taehyung declares.

Namjoon smiles, "Tae, I didn't know you were this deep in love. I worried for nothing and you're doing the same. I know when we love someone we will be scared of not wanting to disappoint them, but I think you shouldn't hide it from Hoseok. He is your husband after all."

"Hyung, aren't you mad that I married without telling you or Eomma?" Taehyung queries.

"I was mad...and about Eomma she won't be happy about it," Namjoon says honestly.

Taehyung looks down sadly, "But now that I know how much you love him. I am not mad anymore" Namjoon states smiling.

"Hyung!" Taehyung immediately hugs him while sniffing, "I am sorry."

"It's fine, Tae. I am happy for you, if I didn't know about Hoseok I would have worried about you but he is Jin's friend and he is also the one who stood up for me in the court and freed me from the hell, if he can do that much for a stranger like me then I can imagine how he'll treat you."

"Love's Peril" ♔A Vhope Fiction♔✔️Where stories live. Discover now