✧32. Why Did You Lie?✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

At The Villa...

Hoseok is busy admiring Taehyung while the younger is busy admiring the sea he is seeing for the first time in his life.

Yes, he did see the sea many times in television ads or so but never for real, he always wanted to see the sea but he couldn't ask his blind mother.

And asking his aunt or uncle is a no, no! He was always used to be jealous of the kids around him when they went to beaches all the time with their parents & used to brag about it with him.

Even when he was in school he doesn't have money to go on the tour the school has arranged and he couldn't tell Jimin that he won't be going cause he doesn't have money so he lied that he has to take care of his mother.

It's partly the truth cause Taehyung had to take care of his blind mother from childhood. He can't leave his mother in the care of his aunt as he knows she will starve his mother to death if he isn't around.

Namjoon, his hyung on the other hand, had to study & work part-time to take care of them. So, he never disturbed his Hyung who was working hard even if he was just 2 years elder than him.

Later, his Hyung disappeared and all the burden has fallen on him, so he had to stop his studies to take care of his mother, do the house chores, and make money doing part-time jobs.

Along with doing a part-time job as a music teacher, he also used to work as a bartender at night club which paid high but had to leave that job as the boss there tried to make him an escort for rich people.

Which he absolutely doesn't like & left the job making his aunt angry at that time for bringing less money to the home, he was beaten badly until Yoongi who heard his screams came to rescue him.

But now everything seems like a dream to him, he is now in the arms of his husband watching the sea that he wanted to see since childhood.

He looks at Hoseok who is looking at him from the start reading all his expressions, "Thank you."

Saying that he gives a quick peck on Hoseok's cheek & shyly buries his face on his shoulder closing his eyes with red cheeks making the elder's eyes go widen at the sudden action.

Hoseok then smiles seeing the younger's cute actions, "Tae, look at me" he asks gently.

He shakes his head still hiding on Hoseok's shoulder. The elder takes him to the railing of the balcony & makes him sit on that.

"Ngh!" Taehyung lightly winces as his butt comes in contact with the hard railing.

The younger looks up pouting with slight glossy eyes, "It's hurting..." he extends his arms to pick him which makes Hoseok go uwu.

He places his hands on the younger's butt and lifts him, he crosses his legs tightly around the waist of the Hoseok.

"Now, is it still hurting?" Hoseok whisper-asks in the younger's ear making him blush red, he shakes his head no shyly.

Hoseok grins seeing the younger blush, he then pushes him to the pillar beside the railing to support Taehyung's back.

Taehyung looks up perplexed, Hoseok looks at the younger's lips & leans closer. He leans in so close as his hot breath is fanning the other's nose making him have a tingling sensation in the gut.

The younger blinks his eyes continuously before closing his eyes as he sees the elder is aiming at his lips.

Hoseok smiles seeing him close his eyes tightly and his cupid's bow-shaped lips quiver as the distance is getting closer between them.

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