✧61. Fake Alarm✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

Florence...At the underground cell...

"Jin, Hoseok....rise and shine. It's time." Uncle Steve wakes them up.

"Shine? Dude, why should they plan this early morning?" Jin whines sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"I fucking know right. I need to have a serious discussion with that Darksmoke's leader." Hoseok's voice is hoarse.

Meanwhile on the other side,

"Achoooooo!" Jimin sneezes and rubs his nose. "Is someone talking behind my back?"

"Must be that Vincenzo," Rex replies, and Jimin nods.

"Master, Rex please pay attention," Taemin says smiling, well, it looked kinda creepy.

"Yes, what were you saying?" Jimin asks and Rex to looks at Taemin zipping his mouth.

"We're waiting for the signal, once we hear the alarm from the inside, we're charging in with 150 men and the other half of the men will take care of the guards outside the mansion and replace them."

Taemin explains.

"Alright, give me that map for the underground cell." Jimin extends his arm and Rex passes it to him.

"Master, are you ready?" Rex asks looking worried.

"I am, I should be. If not now Hoseok Hyung will know someday or the other. I don't know what is he going to do to me after this but I must ask him this before I die in his hands."

Jimin says seriously. Rex and Taemin together ask, "What are you going to ask him?"

"That how did he end up marrying my best friend?"

Rex and Taemin for the first time roll their eyes at their master.

"I mean seriously he was like he will kill me if I marry Tae but he married him secretly and even went on honeymoon. That villa, Vince mentioned, I don't even know about that. How did Hyung manage to do all this without me knowing."

Jimin looks frustrated. "He is your Hyung for a reason, Master." Taemin comments.

Jimin just sighs, "Hyung! I am coming for you. I need so many answers."

In the underground cell...

"Achhooooooo~" now it's Hoseok's turn to sneeze. "Did I get attacked by a virus, seeing this dusty cell I knew it, there are so many microorganisms dwelling here."

"Argh, this neat freak. Hobie you're a prosecutor, not a science student, shut the hell up, I am concentrating here."

Jin scolds while trying to unlock the cell with a rod they got from Uncle Steve.

"Hyung and you're a police officer, not a thief. How can you break the lock with that thing? Is it even possible?"

"Then, do you have any other plan? How will you break this lock?"

"Let's just break the whole cell!" Hoseok answers determinedly.

Jin taps his shoulder and looks as if he's done with him, "I think you forgot, we're not in some movie nor or we Hulk and iron man to break this whole damn cell, get it?"

"Then why are you a police officer if you can't even break this small cell?" Hoseok mocks.

"Then why are you a prosecutor when you can't break through this SMALL cell?" Jin mocks back.

"Arghh!!! Stop your bickerings. You both should go ring the alarm or else Darksmoke men won't enter the mansion. Hurry up and do something." Uncle Steve rushes them.

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