✧5. Namjin's 1st Meet✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

"Jimin! Taehyung! Come here quickly," Baekhyun calls more like yells.

Jimin comes out from his trance & they go to the hall where Baekhyun is ready to cut his birthday cake. He cuts the 5 storied cake. Everyone sings Saengil chughae song as if Baekhyun is a 10-year-old kid.

"So...Jimin, you said you'll give me a unique gift where is it?" Baekhyun asks wiggling his eyebrows while smiling foolishly.

"Yeah, I wrote a song for you. And that's my gift for you," Jimin takes out a paper from his pocket.

"Wow! Chimmy! You are the best! Sing it then," Baekhyun gets excited with stars in his eyes.

Jimin *clears his throat* "Ahem!.. At that time, we were so tired. While looking up at those stars in the sky too far out of reach, At that time, didn't believe in galaxies..." Jimin stops & sees as everyone is looking at him confused while Baekhyun & Taehyung are trying not to laugh.

"What happened? Why are you all looking like that?" Jimin asks bewildered.

"Cause what you are doing is not singing but reciting a poem when you said you are gonna sing," Baekhyun laughs & everyone does the same "You should sing, Jimin!!" Baekhyun adds.

"Me? I can't sing, if I sing everyone is gonna dashi run run from this party!" Jimin says looking here & there. (A/N: We know how sweet & angelic his voice but he can't sing in this story so don't curse me! Okay!!).

"No we want you to sing!!" everyone present there shouts.

"Wait! Wait! In place of me, Tae will sing this song," Jimin gives the lyrics paper to Taehyung.

"What? Me?" Taehyung exclaims.

"Please! Please, Tae! You have to protect my pride. Sing for me, please!" Jimin shows his puppy eyes.

Taehyung loses to that puppy eyes & nods smiling taking the paper...and everyone cheers "Tae! Tae!"

Taehyung takes a deep breath & starts singing...

While Taehyung is singing Jimin gets fascinated by him...Jimin just stares at him as if he is hypnotized. He couldn't take his eyes off him. Jimin thinks maybe he is falling for his soulmate slowly.

Taehyung finishes singing with blushed cheeks embarrassed as everyone's attention is on him.

"Wow! Fantastic! Mindblowing! Awesome! Tae!! You sang so well! We got enchanted by your voice!!" Baekhyun praises while clapping along with everyone.

"Yes, Tae! What a deep voice! Your voice entranced me," Jimin says holding Taehyung's hands. Taehyung looks down shyly smiling as everyone is praising him.

Jimin & Taehyung are talking when Baekhyun's mom calls Taehyung to help her.

After sometime...

Namjoon is coming back from doing a theft when the police chase him so he has to run. He enters a mansion in a hurry to hide which is full of people & it coincidentally happened to be Baekhyun's mansion.

When Namjoon goes inside the mansion...

"Sir, what would you like to drink?" Taehyung asks Namjoon unaware that he is his Hyung as he is in disguise.

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