✧23. On The Moonless Night✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

At Eagle Claws...

That Night...

Namjoon is waiting for Jin in his small room, he is all tensed up...

>>>Everything will go as planned, right?

>>>I am scared, what if anything happens? If we fail then-boss is gonna kill us,

>>>I have dragged Jin into this now, if something happens to him because of my greediness to be freed from here, what should I do?

Namjoon is walking left & right, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"Baby, what are you doing?"

Hearing that voice Namjoon freezes on the spot, his hands are trembling badly, and his adam's apple rolls down.

"Boss?" Namjoon turns slowly to face Mi-Kwan, who steps forward standing in front of him smirking.

"It's been days, I missed you & your body so much, did you miss me?" Mi-Kwan asks grabbing Namjoon's chin.

"Y-yeah," Namjoon stutters.

"That's good, let's go to our room. I can't wait to taste you, my doll," Mi-Kwan takes Namjoon's hand dragging him to his room.

Namjoon is feeling disgusted, and helpless, he doesn't know what to do. How can he escape from this monster? How can he sleep with him now that he has a boyfriend? Doesn't it make him a slut?

>>>I don't want to...Jin please come soon...please,

With tears flowing onto his cheeks Namjoon lets him be dragged hoping that Jin will come to save him.

Mi-Kwan after entering his room locks the door behind him throwing Namjoon onto the bed harshly & hovering above him.

"Now, doll, I have so much time today, I am not going to leave you till tomorrow," Mi-Kwan grabbed Namjoon's hair making his head lean back & starts kissing his neck.

Namjoon clutches the sheets & gathering all the courage left inside him & speaks, "I don't want to...l-leave me" and pushes Mi-Kwan away from him.

Mi-Kwan after being pushed frowns looking at Namjoon, and then changes his expression, he smirks like a psycho & says,

"Oh, are you playing to get hard now? I was planning to go vanilla with you tonight, but on another thought let's go hardcore, you love it don't you, my dirty slut?"

"N-No," Namjoon gets up from the bed quickly trying to run to the door.

But Mi-Kwan holds his hand before he could open the door & asks, "Doll, what are you playing at? Don't make me angry more than this, you know what'll happen to disobedient dolls, don't you?"

Namjoon's whole body shivers listening to that, of course, he knows what'll happen to him if he doesn't do as he says, he is well aware of the brutal punishments he has to go through if he says 'No' to his boss.

He already suffered through those punishments many times before when he refused to do anything, after going through them he made up his mind that this is his fate & he has nowhere to escape.

So after that he never said 'No' to anything Mi-Kwan said, even though it made, his heart shattered, his body devoured, his soul burned...he never said No...

But now...now it is different, isn't it? Now he has Jin who'll protect him, now he can escape from this hell, or is it all his imagination?

Namjoon looks at Mi-Kwan with his glossy eyes & nods, his body is trembling as it remembers the abuse it had gone through.

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