✧45. Bribe✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

In The Lawn...

"Wifey, what happened? Missed me?" Hoseok teases back hugging the younger as soon as he arrives at the lawn.

Taehyung tilts his neck back a little to see his husband's playful smile, "Mr.Hades..."


"Don't you think Jungkook isn't happy with this marriage..." Taehyung starts slowly with a hint of hesitation in his voice as he doesn't know if he has the right to talk about this with his husband.

Hoseok frowns, "Why do you think so, Tae?"

After hearing his name, Taehyung knows Hoseok is listening to him with all seriousness. He gulps down his saliva, "You won't get mad at me right?"

"I won't, tell me" Hoseok nuzzles his nose on the younger's neck.

"When I saw Jungkook's eyes...they...looked like he c-cried, and just before you came Jungkook was having a fight with me-"

"Fight? Why?" Hoseok asks in confusion.

"Um...we accidentally bumped into each other and the juice I was holding got all poured on him so he was furious and was scolding me..."

Hoseok is listening attentively, "Continue."

"Then Jimin came there, stopped Jungkook, and took him with him and I don't know what happened after that, but suddenly they both just announced their wedding...like it's-"

"It's suspicious" Hoseok completes the younger's words.

"Yes...and Jungkook whenever his eyes met that of Jimin's he is looking so scared, and I can see how Jimin is glaring at him...I never saw Jimin like that before with such a cold expression...I don't know if I am correct or not but to me, it's looking like Jimin is forcing Jungkook into marrying him... Mr.Hades...I wish I am wrong but-"

Hoseok cuts off the younger, "Hubby."

"What?" Taehyung looks baffled.

"Call me Hubby, not Mr. Hades and when are you gonna stop calling me with that name?" Hoseok asks breaking the hug and turning Taehyung to face him.

"Hyungggggggg!!! Is it important now? I am talking about something-"

Hoseok cuts off the younger again, "Hm, Hyung is nice too."

Taehyung looks so done, "Are you even listening to me?"

Hoseok chuckles and nods, "Yes I am, Wifey."

"Then, tell me didn't you notice it?" Taehyung asks.

>>>I did...

"Tae, you don't know Jimin and Jungkook are like that from childhood. They always fight with each other like Tom and Jerry but at the end of the day, they used to sleep in each other's arms," He explains.

>>>I am happy that you are so attentive towards my family but I don't want you to worry, Tae...

"B-But..." Taehyung isn't convinced.

>>>He still isn't convinced...my lie didn't work?

"No buts, if you are that worried about those two then I will talk with Jungkook and ask him if he wants to marry my idiot brother or not, ok?"

Taehyung nods and asks hesitatingly, "Then, can I talk with Jimin?"

Hoseok lifts his left eyebrow, getting no reply from his husband.

"If you don't want me to talk with Jimin, I won't. I know you hate me being close to him. I won't talk with him. I am sorry" Taehyung looks down.

Hoseok sighs, "Tae, look at me. I don't hate you at all, ok? I was just...um a little jealous that's all."

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