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(A/N:- Hey, Lovelies! Merry Christmas🎅🎄⭐. This is a small gift from my side. Hope you enjoy the two epilogues.

[Note: These events took place before the actual ending in the last chapter which took place after six years after their weddings.

But these epilogues took place after just three years after Taehope and Namjin's weddings and after three months after Jikook's wedding.]

These are long chaps one is 5000 words and the last one has 6500 words. Happy reading😘Enjoy💜)


Author's P.O.V:-

Aera, the daughter of Hoseok and Taehyung is three years old. She just started speaking a year ago and her first word was 'Appa'.

Hoseok was on cloud nine on that day and then he became a fool for his daughter. Taehyung is practically raising two kids in Jung's mansion.

Jimin moved out three months back after he got married to Jungkook to the Park's mansion so that he can carry out Darksmoke responsibilities easily.

Talking about Darksmoke, Jimin didn't reveal his identity to Jungkook till now and is enjoying the newlywed time with his wifey.

The butler, maids, and the servants of the Park's mansion are feeling guilty to wake up Jungkook for lunch as the boy was too tired to lift even a finger as his husband has been tormenting him all the nights, starting from their first night.

Well, Jungkook isn't complaining, he loves it that his husband couldn't get enough of him, although he is sour in his ass and couldn't walk straight.

On the other hand, Jin and Namjoon are living in their own world. Now, Namjoon isn't afraid of making love with his husband. He didn't totally forget his horrifying past but his heart is now filled with so much love that he had no time to spare and think about his past.

As promised, Jin replaced all the scary memories with the sweet moments they had every day. And as predicted by Jin, after experiencing the world of adults *ahem* *ahem* Namjoon started wanting it more and more.

That they had to wait for their one-year-old son, Jihoon to fall asleep to continue their naughty nights, and on some nights had to stop in the middle as their son woke up crying.

The three couples are having the most beautiful moments of their lives and there is more that is yet to come.

Are you curious about their daily lives? Then let's go take a quick sneak peek😉

At Jung's Mansion...

In The Morning, At 6:00 A.M.,

Taehyung and Hoseok are in each other's arms, sleeping tight after having a wild night.

Aera, who is sleeping in her room gets up rubbing her bleary eyes. Her room has decorated all black.

She isn't a typical girl who loves pink. Nope. She loves black, gothic style and prefers being a witch rather than a princess.

When Hoseok and Jimin decorated her room with all pink and blue on her last birthday, she cried like crazy and made all hell break loose in Jung's mansion.

Jungkook who also prefers emo style, understood his niece and removed all the princess stuff and painted the walls black giving it a rocky and gothic look. And that's the reason why she loves her uncle Kook so much.

In the whole of Jung's mansion, the room that is weirder is Area's and she named her room 'Nightmare' with a signboard attached to the door that has a danger symbol telling "Do not disturb unless you want to be cursed!"

"Love's Peril" ♔A Vhope Fiction♔✔️Where stories live. Discover now