✧2. Hurdles of life!✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

At Taehyung's home...

"Aunt! Mom is so weak...can I get some milk for her?" Taehyung asks lowly.

His aunt gulps down almost a liter of milk in front of Taehyung which is the only milk that is left in the house & while wiping away her mouth says...

"Milk? There is no milk in the house. And you want it for your blind mother? What a Joke? Do you think people like you & your mother has the right to drink milk? Do you know how much it costs for milk? And you don't even get any money! Get lost you pathetic bitch!"

"But aunt, I have been giving all the money I got from part-time jobs to you. Please give me some money then I'll bring fruits for Eomma," Taehyung asks extending his hands.


"You dare ask me for money? And what? You are giving all your money to me? That isn't even enough for paying rent to this house & I have to buy your sick useless mother medicines too in that small amount. Why won't you sell yourself & give me the money then I'll give your mother milk & fruits." his aunt slaps him hard on his face.

Taehyung gets a cut on his lips & falls to the floor from the impact of the slap. "I won't do such lowly things just for money," he says with anger laced voice now wiping away the blood on the side of his lips.

"Shut up, you bitch! What are you proud of? Your pretty face? You'll only become just a whore with that face of yours! You just wait, I'll sell you one day for some rich man & you'll become his slut & I'll see if that pride of yours still lasts on your face," his aunt says while kicking him on the stomach.

"I'll...Argh! I'll never let that happen," he whimpers as his aunt is kicking him continuously.

His aunt kicks him on his stomach one last time muttering "We'll see, you useless bitch!" and walks away from there.

He groans as he gets up slowly holding his stomach, and goes to his & his mom's room which is small with only a bed & some racks. It is normal for him to receive beatings from his uncle & aunt like it's a daily schedule for him to get slaps or kicks from them for asking simple small things or for not doing household work properly even though he does them fine after doing his 5 part-time jobs.

"Tae, why did you ask your aunt when you know she ain't gonna give anything instead you'll receive beatings & insults," his mom asks tearing up a little.

"But mom, you are feeling so weak...so I just tried to ask aunt but she..." he says sitting at the feet of his mom while crying that he even can't get some milk for his mom & what if one day his aunt really sells him to somebody for money?

"I won't...never! If it happens I'll die rather than being a dead soul!" he thinks to himself.

*Knock* *Knock*

He hears a small knocking on the door which is the back door of the house connected to their room. He gets up to open the door & he very well knows who is the person that is knocking on the door cause only that person comes through that door & no one else.

"Hyung, why are you here?" he asks as he sees his Hyung who has pale skin, medium height, thin legs, a gummy smile & almost looks like a cat, whose name is Min Yoongi.

"Take this," Yoongi gives a basket of fruits along with a cover that has medicines with his awesome gummy smile.

"Take this," Yoongi gives a basket of fruits along with a cover that has medicines with his awesome gummy smile

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