✧38. From When?✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

At Yoongi's Private Villa...

*Ring* Ring*

Yoongi looks at his phone that is ringing, "You two talk, I have to take this call."

Saying that Yoongi goes out, while Jungkook & Beomgyu look at each other...

"So..." Jungkook starts.

"Hyung, you never told us that you are going for therapy sessions."

"You didn't too, Beommie! I am coming here for the past 3 years, what about you?"

"Just from a month, Hyung...you know because of..." Beomgyu looks at Jungkook with a sad expression.

"Yeah, actually I wanted to talk about that with you, so tell me what exactly happened?" Jungkook queries.

"Hyung, *sigh* I love Taehyun...but he doesn't. He rejected me when I proposed to him as he loves Huening, and then they both got together after Taehyun proposed to him...I am heartbroken. I couldn't see it... And I-I don't hate Huening for this, he is such an angel and lovable boy that everyone loves him and Taehyun is also not in wrong here,

He is clear about what he wants and what he doesn't... that's what I l-love about him, his straightforwardness...but then what about me...what should I do? I can't see them together and I can't leave them cause they've become my family ...

I...I don't know what should I do now Hyung...I thought my mind will blow up. I thought I will die from suffocation. I can't stop crying... that's why I came to see Yoongi Hyung a month back, I thought therapy might help me...

And it did, to some extent. I am getting better but today Huening suspected that I love Taehyun...he asked me and I couldn't answer him. I can't tell him the truth and hurt him. Then Taehyun looked at me like I was trying to break them apart. I couldn't take it... couldn't see the hatred look in his eyes.

So I ran away from there and I don't even know how I got here. Hyung what should I do? I am really trying to move on from him. I don't want both of them to hate me. Hyung, tell me... please..."

Beomgyu tells everything trying to control his tears while speaking, Jungkook immediately hugs the younger tightly and pats his back.

That's it, Beomgyu couldn't control it anymore and started crying his heart out in Jungkook's arms.

"Shh, it's alright. I know how it feels when the one we love looks at us with so much hatred, disappointment, and despise. You're really strong Beommie, if I was in your place I would be broken."

"Hyung, tell me *hic* what should I do then?"

"You said you're trying to move on, right? Or do you want to..."

"No, Hyung I don't want to interfere in their relationship and I don't want to lose them as they are my only close friends and my family. Just because of my stupid feelings..."

"Love isn't a stupid feeling, Beommie. It's a beautiful feeling where you give your heart to the other person and as beautiful as it is... it also painful when that love doesn't reciprocate...everyone says love isn't a give and take, it should be selfless...but then what? You'll get tired from giving, that one day you'll forget that beautiful feeling of loving itself, isn't it cruel to ourselves? And at the end, we can't blame a rose for having thrones, can we?"

"You are right, Hyung...but is it okay for me to be selfish when our friendship is on the line?"

"Beommie, I shouldn't be the one to talk about it, you know I love Jimin Hyung for years now, all I know is I love him. I fear that he'll know it one day and will be disgusted with me that's why I dare not to be selfish and confess my love for him...confessing is far I made him hate me to the point he'll never want to hear the word love from me..."

"Love's Peril" ♔A Vhope Fiction♔✔️Where stories live. Discover now