✧59. Mother's wish✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

In Jeon's Mansion...

Jungkook goes to his room and calls Jimin while sobbing,

After a few rings, the elder picks up the call, "Kook?"

"Hyung,...*hic* where you going?" Jungkook's sobs can be heard.

Jimin stops the car on the side frowning, "Kook, why are you crying?"

"You left just like that...what am I supposed to do then?"

>>>And even hugged that Taehyung before going...

"Listen, Kook. I know it's sudden but there are some urgent matters that need to be taken care of. I will explain everything to you once I come back. Didn't you say you'll do everything I ask of you? So stop crying now and be a good boy."

"Hm..." Jungkook nods wiping his tears.

"Then, I really need to go now, Kook. Take care of yourself." Jimin cuts the call and drives fast to Darksmoke's mansion.

Jungkook sits on the ground sniffing trying to control his tears as he promised Jimin that he'll do everything the elder asked.

>>>Why...you and appa love that Taehyung so much and never look at me the way you look at him?

>>>What's so special about him?

Jungkook's eyes glow as if he got a great idea. He wipes all his tears and gets up with a newfound determination.

>>>I will follow that Taehyung all day tomorrow and see what's special about him.

Smiling to himself Jungkook falls onto his bed and sleeps tight.

In Italy...

At The underground cell...

"So, Vincenzo's uncle, what's your name?" Hoseok asks, curious to know.

"Stefano, you guys can call me uncle Steve." The guy in his middle 50's answers.

"Then, uncle Steve, how are we gonna escape from this dusty cell, any plans?"

"Nope. No plans." Uncle Steve drops the bomb.

"WHAT?" Jin and Hoseok yell at the same time and look at each other with widened eyes.

"Hyung, you said we're gonna escape with the help of Vincenzo's uncle, didn't you? And he is saying he has no plan, then what will happen to us?" Hoseok shouts getting agitated.

"Ow, that damn Vincenzo bastard said all we have to do is get caught and go to jail. And everything else will be planned by him and his uncle." Jin replies also frustrated.

"And you believed that? Now what? I am telling you Hyung, I have a wife to take care of and he is waiting for me."

>>>And I even broke his heart and made him cry before coming here...argh!

"And you think I am single? I have a cute boyfriend waiting for me too, get it? Do you think I want to be trapped here forever?"

"Ok, guys calm down. I did say I have no plan but I didn't say we're not going to escape from here, did I?" Uncle Steve interferes between both friends bickering.

"How are we gonna escape from this damned cell without a good plan? Care to explain Uncle Steve?" Jin looks annoyed.

"Darksmoke's leader is gonna free us." Uncle Steve answers.

"Why would he? And why is he in Italy?" Hoseok asks.

"Cause Darksmoke's leader wants to avenge his friend's death by killing that bastard Lorenzo. And Vince and he are friends since childhood. So, of course, they'll rescue us."

"Love's Peril" ♔A Vhope Fiction♔✔️Where stories live. Discover now