✧67. Taehyung's Outburst✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

At Kim's Home...

Jin calls Namjoon, "Sugarplum, come out."

"What? Are you back?" Namjoon stands up from his study table and rushes out.

Jin extends his arms wide seeing the younger running out who immediately runs into his arms hugging him tightly.

"I missed you so much" Namjoon snuggles in the elder's warmth.

"I missed you too, Sugarplum."

"Then, why did you stop calling me? I couldn't even contact you. Do you know how worried I was?"

"Sorry, Sugarplum. I was kidnapped by mafia and they took my phone." Jin tells the truth.

"What? Did they do anything to you? Are you okay?" Namjoon looks anxious.

"Nothing happened to me, look, I am fine." Jin turns around showing that he is okay.

Namjoon hugs him again, "Then how did you escape from them?"

"We did an undercover mission."

"Undercover?" Namjoon looks suspicious.

"Why are you looking like that, Sugarplum?"

"You didn't use love trap or something like that again, right?" Namjoon looks as if he is digging holes through the elder's soul.

Jin sighs, "Nope. I was kidnapped and was starved to death for two weeks, Sugarplum. Where did I have the strength to trap anyone in love?"

"Oh, then if you have strength you would do that?" Namjoon sulks.

"Absolutely, no. I told my senior officers that I am not gonna use honey traps from now on cause my boyfriend is so possessive of me."

Jin gives a kiss on Namjoon's cheek who smiles wide.

"Anyway, everything went well so here I am in front of you. Where is my reward?" He asks.

Namjoon blushes, "Close your eyes."

"Why?" Jin lifts his right eyebrow, smirking.

"Just do as I say." Namjoon pouts.

"Alright, Sugarplum. Here you go." He closes his eyes and feels that his boyfriend's face is so close to him that he can feel his breath.

And then his lips are being touched by a pair of soft lips lightly, Jin smirks and grabs the younger's neck deepening the kiss.

Namjoon smiles and kisses him back with the same pace.

After a while, they both are sitting on a bench in the park holding hands and leaning on each other with a contended smile on their faces.

"Jinnie..." Namjoon calls.

"Hm," he hums playing with the younger's fingers.

"I topped the CSAT and got into the university." He says and the elder looks surprised.

"I know it, my Sugarplum is the smartest of all. Congratulations, baby. I am so happy for you." Jin smiles sincerely.

Namjoon nods, "And...there is also something I need to say..." He hesitates.

"What is it, Sugarplum?"

"I got to know that..."

"That???" Jin is curious.

>>>Does he get to know that Tae is pregnant?

"That Mr.Jeon is my father. And I don't know what to feel. Honestly I don't even have any memory of him. He left us when I was just 3 years old and Tae wasn't even born at that time. Eomma and Tae hates him so much but I have mixed feelings. I want to hear his explanation as to why he left us like that. But...Eomma she will never accept father. And I don't know how to feel about Jungkook and Krystal now."

"Love's Peril" ♔A Vhope Fiction♔✔️Where stories live. Discover now