✧44. Marriage?✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

Jimin with a mad expression walks towards Jungkook. The younger tries to get up but Jimin pushes him down making him lay flat on the bed.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asks pinning Jungkook's hands to the bed.

"H-Hyung...what are you doing? G-get off m-me" Jungkook stutters.

"Why are you acting so scared now? Weren't you the one who is yelling at top of your lungs creating a scene down in the hall?" Jimin asks with a dark glare.

Jungkook gulps his saliva & struggles to free himself but to no avail. "Let go of me, Jimin Hyung!"

Jimin doesn't budge, "You never listen, do you? Why do you have to talk so rudely? This mischievous mouth of yours needs a good punishment."

Saying that Jimin captures the younger's lips making his eyes go widen in shock... He tries to push the elder but couldn't do it as all the weight of Jimin is on him making it difficult for him to move.

Jimin sucks the younger's lower lips roughly making them red more than it was and bites on them, Jungkook shrieks in pain as his lips bleed.

It was his first kiss and he never expected that it would be like this without no love. Some part of him is happy that it is his Jimin Hyung kissing him but at the same time, a major part of him is breaking internally...

As it isn't the kiss he wanted, so rough, filled with hate and despise. Jungkook doesn't know how to kiss back even if he knew he doesn't want to do it in this situation.

>>>Why...it has to be...like this...

Jungkook starts tearing up as the elder is abusing his lips not letting him go. He sucks more not letting the younger breathe as he didn't know what to do during a kiss.

Jimin leaves his lips with a frown when he feels that Jungkook is having a hard time breathing.

Jungkook gasps for air. "What are you playing at, Kook?"

Jimin looks mad, "I-I am not playing anything *sobs* leave me alone! Get lost!" Jungkook yells finally gathering all his lost courage.

>>>Is he crying?

"Don't act innocent in front of me" He then extends his arm inside Jungkook's shirt.

He looks shocked, "W-What are y-you doing Hyung?"

Jimin rips off the younger's shirt in one go and throws it away.

Meanwhile, In the hall...

Hoseok just arrived at his mansion to pick up Taehyung. He sees Si-Hyuk who just arrived there walking towards the mansion.

Hoseok parks his car and goes inside Jeon's mansion. "Uncle, where are you coming from?" He asks as soon as he meets him.

"There was an emergency in the company. Thank God Jimin was here that time he drove me to the company and I just finished my work there so I came back." Si-Hyuk explains as they walk inside the mansion.

Inside, Taehyung and Krystal are playing long forgetting the argument they had with Jungkook.

Si-Hyuk and Hoseok smile seeing them all giggly.

"What are you both doing?" Si-Hyuk asks as he sits on the couch and so does Hoseok.

"Appa, you're back. We are playing, you know Tae Oppa knows many games" Krystal says excitedly.

"Is it?" Si-Hyuk smiles and adds, "Oh, you both didn't meet, right? Hoseok this is Taehyung, Krystal's new caretaker. And Taehyung this is Hoseok my niece and Jimin's Hyung."

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