✧64. Hyung's Lesson✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

Seoul...At The Hospital...

"Doctor, Taehyung-shi is awake now." A nurse informs Soo-Hyun.

Yoongi and IU are also present there and get up immediately after hearing the news.

"Don't start questioning him as soon as you meet him. I bet he doesn't even know he is pregnant." Soo-Hyun advises.

Yoongi and IU look at each other with a guilty conscience as if they were actually going to do that.

They both follow Soo-Hyun, who calmly enters Taehyung's room and greets him with a smile, "How are you feeling now, Tae?"

"Hyung, how did I get here?" Taehyung asks slowly sitting up on the bed.

"I took you here. I found you unconscious on the road." Yoongi answers.

"Yoongi Hyung? Noona..."

"You know how much I was worried? Are you feeling better now?" IU asks, hugging him.

"I am okay, Noona. Nothing to worry about." Taehyung answers.

"Tae, do you feel any changes in your body?" Yoongi asks slowly.

Taehyung frowns. "Idiot, how can he feel anything in just 3 weeks?" Soo-Hyun scolds him.

"What 3 weeks, Hyung?" Taehyung asks confused.

"Tae, you are three weeks pregnant." IU states.

Taehyung blinks his eyes, perplexed. He then comes to his senses and rubs his belly with so much love, his eyes tear up, "I am pregnant? *Hic* I am having a baby..."

Yoongi and IU look at each other and hugs the younger. "Yes, Tae. You are going to be a mother."

After they break the hug, "But, I want to know whose child is it?" Yoongi queries.

Taehyung bites his lips and looks down not answering. "Tae, don't tell me it's your uncle." Yoongi looks anxious.

"No!" Taehyung immediately rejects.

"Then, is it prosecutor Hoseok?" IU enquires.

Taehyung just nods slightly. "Damn! That bastard. How can he do this to you without even marriage?" Yoongi spats.

Taehyung looks nervous. "Yoongi, calm down. You are scaring, Tae." IU speaks.

"I will call him and ask him to come here. He is gonna get an earful from me today." Yoongi takes out his phone to call Hoseok.

But Taehyung stops him, "Hyung, he is not in Korea. It's been 3 weeks since he went out of the country."

"What? Now he isn't even here? Tell me, Tae. Is he ready to take responsibility?" Yoongi questions and Taehyung remembers the day when Hoseok broke his heart.

Everything suddenly feels heavy for him and he starts crying. IU immediately hugs him patting his back trying to calm him down.

"What happened, Tae? Why are you crying like this?" Yoongi asks in a soft voice.

"Let him breathe, Yoongi. You started interrogating him as soon as he woke up." Soo-Hyun scolds.

"Tae, we are here for you. You can tell if anything is bothering you, okay?" IU tells rubbing his back.

"Yes, Tae. I will beat the shit out of that prosecutor if he doesn't take responsibility so don't worry." Yoongi utters.

"What if Mr.H-...I mean Hoseok Hyungie thinks I am a monster because I can give birth?" Taehyung asks weeping hard.

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