✧19. Jungkook's heart✧

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(A/N: Hey, Lovelies!! I am right now in another state(Maharashtra) in India, for some holy rituals, and I am so tired of waking up early in the morning & doing bath with cold holy water & all blah blah's... and I have to continue doing them for 3 more days 🤦🏻♀️

Doing all those rituals being an atheist...really sucks!!! Ugh!! Anyways, I tried writing a little whenever I had time...

So, here is a little chap(1800 words), Even though you guys aren't satisfied please do make up with this chap for this week, I will try to give a long chap for next week, thankyou💜)

Author's P.O.V:-

At Hoseok's Mansion...

"Ugh!" Jimin wakes up holding his head.

>>>Why is my head aching like this? I didn't remember drinking alcohol?...wait... yesterday I was going to the bureau & then...

Jimin's eyes widen when he remembers yesterday's events...


That day... Early in the morning...

Jimin is getting ready in a hurry when,

"Minnie!" Hoseok calls entering the room with a tray in his hands smiling.

"Hyung, I am in a hurry now," Jimin says ready to get out of his room.

"Minnie, come here, won't you drink your Hyung's hand-made special coffee?" He asks gently,

Jimin shows a complex emotion on his face & soon sighs defeatedly as his Hyung seldom has time to make him coffee.

"Alright, Hyung, you won, how can I miss your coffee?" H sits down beside Hoseok taking the cup in his hand.

He ruffles Jimin's hair softly, "Sorry, Minnie," 

"Why Hyung? I am sorry, actually...I am going to do something today, you might start hating me after that-" Jimin gets cut off when his head starts spinning...

"You are not going to do anything today, Minnie, just sleep. I will take care of everything," Hoseok says as Jimin lose consciousness.

Hoseok lifts Jimin in his arms, places him gently on the bed & tucks him neatly.

"Now one is down, I have to talk with that Taehyung & will have him sign that contract," Hoseok thinks to himself & calls his secretary going out of the mansion...


"Hyung, Why did you? Shit! Then what happened to Taehyung? Did Hyung do something to him? I have to go to his home."

He immediately goes out of the mansion to get into his car but then stops when he sees Jungkook asking his driver something...

He squints his eyes & goes to him & he frowns when he hears Jungkook asking his driver...

"Driver Hyung, give me the keys I have to go urgently," Jungkook asks with a worried expression evident on his face.

"Young master. I can't give you the car, old master has forbidden me to give you the car, please say the address I will drop you off there," The driver says.

>>>But if Driver Hyung drives me to the police station, he will definitely tell my father about that & he will ask hundreds of questions & may even stop me from going out...I have to go meet Namjoon Hyung quickly.

Jungkook thinks & Sighs,

"Alright, you go. I will take a cab outside," Jungkook says & tries to walk off when his hand is held in a strong grip.

"Love's Peril" ♔A Vhope Fiction♔✔️Where stories live. Discover now