✧47. Heart Attack?✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

After talking with Jimin and clearing all the misunderstandings, Taehyung quickly walks out of the mansion after saying his goodbyes to Si-Hyuk and Krystal.

As said Hoseok is waiting for him in front of his car, and Taehyung runs to him. He smiles and hugs the younger.

"Did I make you wait long?" Taehyung asks also hugging back the elder.

"Yes, so kiss me," Hoseok asks moving his face closer to the younger making him blush.

"Hyung! You!"

"Come on, give me my kiss."

Taehyung sighs and gives a quick peck on the elder's lips who smirks and pulls him into a deep long kiss leaving him breathless again.

Taehyung pushes a little and breaks the kiss taking deep breaths, Hoseok smirks satisfied.

"Let's go," Hoseok says.

"In the car?" Taehyung asks puzzled.

"Nope, on the bike" Hoseok shows the Ducati parked behind his car.

"Wah! Mr.Hades the bike is awesome" Taehyung's eyes sparkle seeing the red Ducati.

"Do you wanna try?" Hoseok asks his hands resting on the younger's waist.

"I don't know how to ride a bike, though" Taehyung pouts.

"Then should I teach you, hm?" Hoseok asks lifting the younger's chin with his index finger.

"Will you?" Taehyung looks excited.

Hoseok nods, "But not now, let's do it the other day, it's already late now."

Taehyung nods smiling. Hoseok puts the helmet on the younger and he does so himself climbing the bike.

"Get on," Hoseok says and Taehyung gets on the bike hugging the elder's waist.

Hoseok smirks, "Let's ride on a bike from now on."

"Why?" Taehyung asks puzzled.

"Cause you can't hug me like this when we go by car, right" saying that, he starts his bike.

Taehyung blushes lightly hitting the elder's back, "Shameless as always."

He is slowly getting used to the teasings and long deep kisses of his husband.

After some time, Taehyung is resting his head on the elder's shoulder while Hoseok is enjoying the younger's warmth.

"Tae, I wanna ask you something."

By the tone of it, Taehyung knows it's a serious matter so he nods his head, "Why did you get scared the last time I dropped you in your home?"

The younger gulps his saliva, he isn't sure if he can talk about his uncle's abuse of him with his husband.

>>>What if he gets disgusted by me?

Hoseok sees the change in the younger's face and he knew what his wifey thinking as he remembers the file he read in the morning when his blood boiled to the point he wants to make use of his licensed gun.

"Tae, you should trust me. I will always be with you no matter what" Hoseok places his right hand on the younger's hand squeezing it while balancing the bike with his other hand.

"It's not that I don't trust you Mr.Hades...it's just..." Taehyung looks down gloomily.

"It's alright, I understand if you don't wanna say it."

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