✧28. Caretaker?✧

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(A/N:- Hey, Lovelies! Surprise, Surprise!! Here is the TRIPLE UPDATE for ya'll with a total of 9000 words🤭😉,

And don't forget to vote for each chap while reading...I will be sad if you forget🥺☹️ cause I wrote that much I atleast can hope for a vote right? Am I asking for too much🥺?

Anyway, enjoy the chaps💜).

Author's P.O.V:-

At The Cafe...

"So...?" Taehyung looks at Jimin not knowing how to respond to that if it was before, he would have advised him but now he really isn't in a state to do so cause his life is a mess itself now.

"Sorry, Tae...I am rambling randomly about anything with you cause I don't know with whom I should talk about this & you are my only friend," Jimin says as he notices that Taehyung is being awkward with him.

"It's fine...I just, I am not in my right mind, Jimin. I don't know what to do myself that's why I couldn't be much of a help to you right now" he speaks looking in grief.

"Leave about me, what's bothering you, Tae? Tell me, If I could be of any help" he asks placing his hand on Taehyung's hand slightly squeezing it.

>>>Where should I start, Jimin? Everything is bothering me & you can't help me at all...

Taehyung doesn't answer seeing that Jimin initiates, "Tae, please tell me. I will do anything for you or you still didn't forgive me?" Jimin asks.

"No, it's not like that, it's just..."

"Tae, if you don't tell me what's bothering you I will think you haven't forgiven me yet."

Taehyung sighs, "You know I lost my job, right? Even though my aunt & uncle are staying put for now because of IU Noona's warning, it won't last long & I can't depend on Noona or Yoongi hyung all the time. I have to earn money to buy medicines for my mother but after Baekhyun's father fired me, no one is ready to give me a job. I don't have enough education to look for a job in companies, all I know is how to teach some basic music & housework..."

"Tae, if money is the problem you know I can solve it for you." 

>>>If I take a single dime from you Jimin, your brother would bury me alive the next sec...

"You know Jimin, I don't depend on anyone for money and I will never take money from you nor others. I will earn it myself rightfully, even though I am poor I do have my self-esteem."

>>>I know Tae, you are such a pure soul who never covets anyone's money. I wish I can show this side of you to my Hyung so that he will understand you better...

Jimin thinks for a moment & suddenly he gets the idea, "Tae, how about you work in my uncle's mansion?"

"Your uncle's mansion?" Taehyung shows a question mark on his face.

"Just today morning Jungkook, my uncle's son, he fired the caretaker of Krystal" Jimin explains.

"By Krystal do you mean...?" he hesitates to ask.

"Yes, my uncle's daughter who is born crippled" Jimin sighs & adds, "If you become Krystal's caretaker then it will be so good Tae cause we can't trust just anyone with her. She is just a pitiful child, and I know you are good with kids."

Taehyung thinks for a moment, "It's all good but Mr.Hades...what if he doesn't want me to get close to your family members? He hates me so much..." he looks down sadly.

>>>Mr. Hades hates me so much that I know he will never want to see my face again and the contract...

Taehyung clenches his fists tightly trying not to cry in front of Jimin, "My Hyung? He hardly has time to come home. He rarely visits Uncle's mansion so don't worry Tae & I also explained to him that I don't love you anymore, so probably he won't say anything about you being Krystal's caretaker" Jimin elucidates.

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