✧3. Soulmates Encounter!✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

At Eagle Claws...

Eagle Claws is a gang of thieves, human traffickers, & kidnappers. Jang Mi Kwan is the boss of this gang.

He is a creepy psychotic criminal who is the most wanted in Seoul

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He is a creepy psychotic criminal who is the most wanted in Seoul. Mi Kwan loves to torture people, he kept separate sections for thieves, traffickers & kidnappers. Namjoon is the head of the thieves section.

Mi Kwan found Namjoon doing a small robbery for getting medicines for his mother, but unfortunately, Namjoon got caught & Mi Kwan saved him & gave him money, in return he told Namjoon to join his gang.

At first, Mi Kwan just wanted Namjoon as he was mesmerized by Namjoon's beauty but later when he gets to know how intelligent Namjoon is...Mi Kwan got obsessed with Namjoon. Mi Kwan forcefully took Namjoon's virginity & made him into his slut. Namjoon wanted to run away but he sees how one of the members of his gang got killed for trying to leave & his whole family is annihilated by Mi Kwan.

Namjoon wanted to leave the gang once he got enough money which was his plan but after seeing that horrible incident in front of his eyes, he lost all his hope. That gang member who got killed was not even that important but he is killed mercilessly for trying to leave. Namjoon doesn't want to think about what will happen to him if he tries to leave as his boss is obsessed with him & his body.

Namjoon hated Mi Kwan to the depth of his heart but never went against him cause if he got killed he can't take care of his blind mother & innocent little brother Taehyung. Namjoon rarely visited his home cause he doesn't want his boss to see Taehyung as he is the definition of beauty. He didn't want his little brother to be dragged into his slump.

Namjoon is now in the airport to steal. Jeon Si-hyuk with his luggage is waiting for Hoseok outside the airport. Namjoon slants his head while biting his nails,

He sees Si-hyuk as he is dressed up in all Gucci clothes & thinks that he has to buy one Gucci dress for Taehyung as the younger always said how much he loves to wear Gucci clothes at least once in his lifetime

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He sees Si-hyuk as he is dressed up in all Gucci clothes & thinks that he has to buy one Gucci dress for Taehyung as the younger always said how much he loves to wear Gucci clothes at least once in his lifetime.

Namjoon quickly walks past Si-Hyuk & snatches away a small box in Si-hyuk's hand & runs away quickly from there. Si-Hyuk now shouts "Thief! Thief!" continuously & Hoseok arrives on the spot at the same time and runs behind Namjoon to catch him.

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