✧4. Soulmates Pinkies!✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

At Jeon's Mansion...

Hoseok arrives at Jeon Mansion. As soon as Hoseok entered the mansion Krystal comes in her wheelchair excited to see him after a very long time.

"Oppa!~" Krystal greets Hoseok with her bright smile which she learned from him.

"Omo! My cute little Donsaeng!" Hoseok exclaims & sits on his knees to reach her level while ruffling her hair.

"Oppa, you won't come to visit me if Appa is not at home. Do you know how much I missed you?" She says pouting folding her hands.

"Sorry, my little angel! I was slightly busy. Don't be mad at me," He says pinching both of her cheeks, smiling.

"Aish! Oppa, don't pinch my cheeks!" She whines pouting again.

Si-Hyuk who is reading the newspaper in the hall smiles seeing Hoseok "Krystal! Let your Oppa come & sit here first then you can whine & complain all you want!" he says folding the newspaper & tells the maid to bring coffee for them.

"Appa!~ see! Oppa never came to visit me when you aren't here," she complains while going beside her father moving her wheelchair.

Hoseok sits on the couch chuckling. Si-Hyuk also chuckles, "Krystal, you know your Oppa is so busy keeping the justice of Seoul."

"Humph!" She scoffs rolling her eyes playfully.

"I know my little angel would whine. So I have a surprise for her but if she is mad at me then maybe she won't want that surprise now," He smirks.

"What? What surprise? Oppa!!!!~~~" her eyes lit upon the name of surprise.

Hoseok takes out a big box of Ice cream flavored mint chocolate that he bought on his way from Baskin-Robbins as he knew she loves that ice cream so much.

"Wow! Appa see Hoseok Oppa is the best Oppa," she chirps taking the Ice cream quickly from his hand to which Hoseok & Si-Hyuk chuckles.

"Wow! Appa see Hoseok Oppa is the best Oppa," she chirps taking the Ice cream quickly from his hand to which Hoseok & Si-Hyuk chuckles

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"Yeah, he is the best Oppa. Omo, wait! I forget to give you your present...then you'll say I am the best," Si-Hyuk then calls the maid to bring the box that he brought earlier.

The maid brings the box which contains a necklace of a unique design made of platinum which has a small diamond locket attached to it. Si-hyuk gives the necklace to Krystal making her wear it.

"How is it, Krystal?" her father asks.

"Appa, It's so beautiful! I like it so much," she sounds contended.

"This necklace would have been stolen by a thief but thankfully it doesn't cause it was for you & you are my precious little lucky star," Si-Hyuk says cupping his daughter's face, smiling.

"Yeah, yeah! She is your lucky star. And everyone in this home is lucky except me," Jungkook says getting down the staircase.

Si-Hyuk turns around, "Jungkook! Now, why are you talking like that? You are my-" his words are cut off by Jungkook.

"Love's Peril" ♔A Vhope Fiction♔✔️Where stories live. Discover now