✧30. Kiss?✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

In The Court...

Mi-Kwan roars while the police restrain him, "How dare you slut? You are mine! Come here, I am your master, who do you think you are hugging, I will punish you severely if you don't come here this instant!"

Namjoon trembles in fear scared, he clutches Jin tightly, "Shh, Sugarplum he won't be able to do anything to you, don't listen to him" saying that Jin closes Namjoon's ears & commands his juniors.

"What the heck are you doing? Beat the shit out of him & pack him to the office & do some training on him before he is sent to jail."

"Yes, sir!" his juniors immediately drag Mi-Kwan away.

Kim Joo-Young: >>> Pathetic idiot! I have to toss away this pawn, he is useless!

"He is not here anymore, Sugarplum" Jin says kissing Namjoon's forehead.

And everyone in the court squeals again, Hoseok facepalms.

Kim Joo-young's lips are playing a devilish grin seeing that & leaves the court. Hoseok wanted to talk to her as to why she took the losing case but she is nowhere to be found and so Hoseok mentally notes about it & goes to his friend.

"Jin Hyung, stop showing off. I had enough of your PDA* today," Hoseok comments.

(*PDA: Public display of affection)

Namjoon goes behind the elder shyly & Jin mocks, "Tsk! if you have a problem go to your husband & kiss him."

>>> To Taehyung?...Ah...his lips were so soft...Aish!! Stop it Hoseok!

"Omo, see you getting red. I want to meet your husband, how did you marry without even telling me? You are not invited to our marriage, right Sugarplum?" Jin asks shocking Namjoon.

"Our marriage?" Namjoon looks flushed.

"Hyung, don't scare your boyfriend like that, and about my marriage, it's a long story, today I have no energy left to explain to you. I will tell you tomorrow in the office, leave me for now," Hoseok pleads.

"Alright, you did great today, go home & rest" Jin pats his shoulder.

"Hoseok-shi, thank you!" Namjoon says from behind Jin & Hoseok just nods.

After that Jin & Namjoon leave for their mansion while Hoseok leaves for his...

At Jeon's Mansion...

After playing with Krystal for a while, Taehyung goes to Si-hyuk, "Sir, I will take my leave for today. I didn't inform my mother that I will be coming here she must be worried."

"Ah, it's fine you can go home and take this money as advance for now," saying that Si-Hyuk hands over some money to Taehyung.

"Thank you, sir" Taehyung accepts it bowing.

He leaves Jeon's mansion & is walking to the bus stop which is so far away while tightly holding himself as it is so cold outside & he is only wearing a thin layer of shirt and it still hurts in his lower back while walking but he can't do anything as Jimin was nowhere to be found in the mansion.

>>>It is hurting so bad...That Mr.Hades!

Taehyung with glossy eyes looks back and sees Hoseok's mansion and remembers the day when Jimin took him there & how Hoseok warned him that he will sell him off if he ever goes near Jimin & how he ran away, met some thugs...

Remembering that, Taehyung gets scared and becomes conscious of his surroundings.

Hoseok who is driving the car sees the familiar figure walking scared on the road he frowns.

"Love's Peril" ♔A Vhope Fiction♔✔️Where stories live. Discover now