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(A/N: It will be quite exhausting to scroll down😂)


At Park's Mansion...

In The Evening,

It's summer break for Jungkook, who is pursuing the medical field and that's the reason why they got married three months back so that they can spend time with each other in the holidays.

And the break is coming to an end after two days. He didn't go out for the past three months more like he has no strength left in him as his beasty husband would do him every night.

But he is free for the past three days cause Jimin was out on some business. He remembers that day when suddenly his husband got a call early in the morning and he had to leave urgently for work.

>>>Maybe, the company is in trouble...

Jungkook pouts thinking that he couldn't get to see his husband for three whole days. He felt empty as all these months Jimin didn't leave his side for even a minute and worked from home to accompany him.

It's not that the company is in trouble, it's that some small gangs started acting up as they didn't see Jimin for the past three months thinking that Darksmoke went hibernating again.

And they caused a ruckus at a pub three days back involving innocent people who died in the middle of a stupid gang fight.

So, Jimin had to step up and show who was the boss. He took Rex with him while keeping Taemin in the mansion for Jungkook's safety.

Jungkook only knows Rex and Taemin as Jimin's colleagues not shadow guards of him. He quickly made friends with them.

After Jungkook arrived all the work related to the mafia had to be done secretly. Aiden, their butler is having a hard time handling it like that cause our bunny is too curious to know many things.

He asked his master to confess about him but Jimin said he needs some more time to reveal himself in front of the younger. So it's still a secret.

"Taemin Hyung! Where are you?" Jungkook screams walking down the stairs.

"I am here, Kook. Why are you shouting?" Taemin answers from the couch, eating popcorn.

Taemin who gives cold shoulder to everyone has become soft and friendly towards Jungkook.

Everyone are shocked to see the change even Jimin was surprised. Rex would have killed Jungkook for talking with Taemin if he wasn't his master's wife.

Taemin and Rex are fuck buddies now as the other agreed to be more than friends so they are friends with benefits now.

(Rex: Well, technically it's more than friends, right?)

Rex couldn't be happier and he is confident that he will make the other fall for his charms soon. That's why Rex is over-possessive and sensitive over Taemin.

And after knowing the reason Rex calmed down and Taemin sees his brother in Jungkook who used to have the same personality.

"I am bored, where is your boss? When is he coming?" Jungkook plops down beside him while sulking.

"He is coming back tonight," Taemin replies and continues to look at the drama he is been watching.

"What, really? You're telling me this now?" Jungkook shouts.

"Aish, Kook stop screaming in my ears," Taemin pinches the younger's cheek.

"Then, why didn't you tell me?" Jungkook pouts.

"Love's Peril" ♔A Vhope Fiction♔✔️Where stories live. Discover now