✧43. Jealous?✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

Big drops of tears fall onto the ground when Jungkook closes his mouth to not let the sounds of his sobs out but he chokes with hiccups, his body is shaking vigorously that's how much the younger is crying seeing Jimin with another man according to him.

It's not that he never saw Jimin with other women in the college. Jimin is quite popular and is always surrounded by women.

Jungkook used to be jealous of those women as they can get that near to his Jiminie Hyung and all he can do is see him from afar without the elder noticing him.

He just made his heart rock thinking that there is no hope for him as he thought Jimin is a straight guy. When Hoseok proposed the marriage it's also one of the reasons he refused it thinking that Jimin will reject him as he isn't gay.

And Jungkook doesn't want to hear that rejection from Jimin's mouth so he rejected it first saying so many rude things to his father.

Now that he is seeing Jimin with another man hugging and smiling at him which Jimin never does unless he likes the other person, his heart is paining as if someone is poking it continuously with a needle.

Seeing, Jungkook's body shaking from the back Beomgyu gets up from the bed and goes to him.

"Kookie Hyung?" Beomgyu places his hand on his shoulder.

Jungkook turns around with red teary eyes and hugs Beomgyu tightly sobbing hard.

"Hyung? What happened?" Beomgyu asks perplexed seeing him cry as he was fine just minutes ago.

He looks at the front where he sees Jimin looking at him directly with a mad expression. Beomgyu asks, "Is it because of Jimin Hyung again?"

Jungkook shakes his head,

>>>Then why is Jimin Hyung glaring at us like that? Did he scold Kookie Hyung from that far? Waah! He is really something else!

Beomgyu glares back at Jimin holding Jungkook tightly showing his tongue and takes him inside along with him.

Jimin looks madder seeing that,

>>>Why is that brat here in Jeon's mansion? And why is he hugging Jungkook like that? He even dares to show his tongue to me,

"Jimin, what happened? What are you looking at, you look like you'll kill someone" Taehyung asks seeing in the direction he is looking at but finds no one there.

"It's nothing, Tae. Let's go inside" Jimin changes his expression controlling his anger for an unknown reason.

At Hoseok's office...

"Good morning, Sir. You're back?" Sungjae greets his boss.

Hoseok just nods and sits in his seat, "Bring me Taehyung's file."

>>>He wants to see the file... Finally?!

"I know you would ask for it, Sir. So, I kept it inside your desk. If I had listened to you that day and thrown it. I would have to go collect the information again, sir seriously you always are on a mission to make my work double!" Sungjae goes on babbling without seeing his boss's so-done expression.

"Is it over?" Hoseok asks with a straight face.

"What, sir?" Sungjae asks perplexed.

"Your rambling" Hoseok looks serious making his secretary gulp his saliva.

"Sorry, sir! Here is the file" Sungjae apologizes immediately and takes the file out from the desk handing it over to his boss.

Hoseok takes the file opening it. He sees the same general details in the first paper-like his name, age, date of birth, address, etc.,

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