✧15. Jimin's hasty mistake✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

At the Moonlight pub...

Jungkook as always is in the pub enjoying his favorite drink Irish bomb & waiting for Namjoon. He didn't know when the older will arrive cause he is been waiting for him every evening as he thinks that Namjoon is a nice person who didn't take advantage of him in his drunken state & even dropped him off in his mansion safely.

So, he wants to meet the older & thank him. And today is a lucky day as Namjoon arrived in the pub & sits beside Jungkook who is so immersed in checking all the people searching for Namjoon.

"Kookie, are you waiting for someone?" Namjoon asks startling Jungkook who immediately looks at the elder with a surprised face,

"Hyung, You are here finally!" Jungkook chirps & hugs the older.

"Oh my, so I am the one you are waiting for, huh?" Namjoon asks smiling while hugging back the younger.

"Yes! You didn't even give me your number. How am I supposed to contact you? So I have been waiting for you every day thinking you'll come here" Jungkook pouts while breaking the hug.

"My bad, cause you were all drunk on that day & I didn't think of exchanging numbers," Namjoon smiles & Jungkook looks down embarrassed biting his lower lip while he ruffles the younger's hair.

"Sit, I have to talk about something very important with you," Namjoon sits on the chair & taps the chair beside him.

"What is it, Hyung?" Jungkook asks curiously.

"I am a thief," Namjoon says & Jungkook laughs, "Hyung, you are not gonna tell any cheesy line like...I am a thief who stole your heart or something, right?"

"Kook, I am being serious" Namjoon says seriously & Jungkook's eyes widen & asks, "Hyung, you mean you are really a thief?" & he nods to that,

"You might know this name, Eagle claw, right?" Namjoon asks & Jungkook nods, "I am in that gang" he confesses,

"Hyung, and why are you telling me all this?" Jungkook asks still surprised & confused.

"Because...I was given a mission to seduce a rich brat in this club & get information about the locker in his mansion which has all the money" He explains.

Jungkook asks already on the verge of tearing up "So that rich brat is me?"

"Yes," he confesses.

"Hyung, you were almost successful in your mission so why are you confessing to me, now?" he asks tearing up.

"Cause I don't want to do that anymore. After I met you I realized that money isn't everything as money doesn't give us happiness. Even though you are rich you still crave love & warmth, and you made me realize that I should stop running after money & should be happy in the present with what I have," Namjoon says sincerely & wipes Jungkook's tears.

"I don't know what to say, so you are not going to trap me anymore, then..." Jungkook asks hesitatingly,

"I want to be your Hyung, Kook. The hyung with whom you can feel comfortable, share your sadness, can I be that Hyung to you?" Namjoon asks cupping Jungkook's cheeks & the younger nods smiling & hugs him while he pats Jungkook's back.

"So, what are you planning to do Hyung?" Jungkook asks.

"I am planning to gather evidence about eagle claw & surrender to the police," Namjoon says & Jungkook is shocked again.

"But hyung, if you surrender then you have to go to jail. Noooo!" Jungkook whines & Namjoon chuckles, "Well, you know if I confess everything & produce evidence on illegal doings of eagle claw then the court will not punish me & release me as I will be the witness, so it's not a problem, Kook"

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