✧70. The Finale✧

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Author's P.O.V.

At Jeon's Mansion...

The surgery went well and Chae Young is discharged. She is been taken care of by Si-Hyuk now. She can see now and has wholeheartedly accepted Jungkook and Krystal as her children.

Jungkook couldn't be happier, he gets to feel the love of a mother, and brothers after a long time. He is on cloud nine. He stopped behaving rudely and became a very polite one.

He goes to University along with Jimin and got good grades. He started being himself again.

Namjoon and Jungkook became total nerds after that giving Jin and Jimin headaches. If they both start reading a book they won't stop until they completely understand it.

They even discuss with each other the different perspectives which went beyond everyone's head.

Taehyung and Krystal started teasing them calling them bookworms and this pair played and sang all day long giving another type of headache to everyone.

One pair of siblings is quiet and studious and the other one is the opposite playful and loud. Chae Young and Si-Hyuk had a very hard time handling the kids.

Hoseok and Taehyung decided to tell their parents about their marriage. The younger one is so nervous that he didn't want to tell them yet.

But in 3 weeks he will be three months pregnant and the baby bump will start showing. Before that happens, Hoseok wanted to take the blessings of their elders, so he urged the younger.

Hoseok called everyone to Jeon's mansion. Jin, Yoongi, IU, Soo-Hyun, and Beomgyu arrived there.

"What's the occasion? Why everyone is here?" Si-Hyuk asks as he puts down his newspaper.

Chae Young who comes with coffee in her hand also sits beside her husband with question marks on her face.

"Uncle and Aunt, there is something very important we need to say" Hoseok starts and Taehyung tries to run away but he holds his hand tightly and shakes his head signing him to stand there quietly.

"What, that you both are in a relationship?" Chae Young asks, smiling.

"We already know about that, it's crystal clear and you have our blessings." Si-Hyuk states.

"Thank you...but..." Hoseok hesitates.

"I am pregnant!" Taehyung shouts closing his eyes shut.

Jin and Jimin laugh holding their stomachs after that, Namjoon and Jungkook just shake their heads seeing their idiotic better halves.

"Yay! I am going to be an aunt! I will have a baby to play with" Krystal chirps.

Yoongi, IU, Soo-Hyun, and Beomgyu hold their laughter.

"I didn't expect you both to be that fast..." Si-Hyuk comments and looks at his wife awkwardly.

Chae-young is the only one who stays silent. "Hoseok?"

"Sorry aunt...and the thing is we are already married." Hoseok looks down immediately.

"WHAT???!" Chae Young and Si-Hyuk stand up in shock.

And Hoseok starts explaining everything, all the other's too help him. Yoongi calms down Chae-Young as she was about to yell at them.

After a big...long...while...

Chae Young sighs, "You both will get married again."

Hoseok and Taehyung look at each other and go to her kneeling in front of her.

"Love's Peril" ♔A Vhope Fiction♔✔️Where stories live. Discover now