✧33. Hearty Talks!✧

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(A/N: Hey Lovelies!! Surprise! Surprise! Another update for today! Actually I wanted to do it next Sunday but then I thought fuck it I will do it now!🤣I am crazy I know so here is the chap!🤭And that too not a small one, it's a 4000 words chap😁enjoy💞)

Author's P.O.V:-

"Mr.Hades...*hic* please don't leave me *hic* I am not a gold digger *hic* I am not a slut *hic* please, believe me, *hic* I love you *hic*...p-please come back"

(A/N: Jack... come back!🤣🤣🤣 Jk: This peanut head! What are you doing there in an emotional scene, you idiot! A/N: Woah, coconut head you are back? Jk: Of course, I have to, hyung's told me how you are out of control, you made me cry rivers in this world, I didn't have time to get back at you! A/N: Which hyung told you about me, huh? Jk: Why? You wanna change their plot into more angst?

A/N: 😳How did you see through me? Jk: I know everything about your cunning ways so save your breathe🙄, now that I am here I won't allow you to act as you wish! A/N: You sure? I am gonna tell Jimin that you are bullying me!😁🤭 Jk: In your dreams, Jimin hyung will only believe me & he is super angry with you for making him a scum in this world! A/N: Ommo, I should just🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ *disappears* Jk: Yah, you wait! 🏃🏼🏃🏼🏃🏼 *disappears*)

"Tae? Tae? Wake up! Tae, please wake up! I am not gonna leave you so, please wake up" Hoseok shakes the younger who is trembling & crying so badly in his sleep while shouting...

>>>When did I become his nightmare?

Hoseok is getting anxious & is on the verge of losing his mind, till sometime back they were having a little conversation...when Taehyung suddenly felt sleepy & slept on Hoseok's shoulder.

A few minutes ago...

"Tae, do you like me?" Hoseok questions making the younger's eyes widen, he clutches on to Hoseok's shirt tightly, "Tae, tell me"

Taehyung shakes his head in no, the younger wants to hide himself but couldn't do it as he is now sitting on Hoseok's lap hugging him.

"Won't you answer me?"

Taehyung shakes his head again.

"Alright, I won't force you"

Taehyung releases a sigh of relief after hearing that & Hoseok can hear the soft breaths of the younger after a while.

"Tae, are you asleep?" Hoseok asks but gets little snores as an answer.

Hoseok smiles & softly pats the younger's back.

>>>He sure is a big sleeper or is he so comfortable with me that he sleeps whenever I hug him?

Hoseok is enjoying the sea view while patting the younger in his arms, it is so peaceful until Taehyung starts trembling in his sleep.

At first, he thought maybe the younger is feeling cold so he took him inside placing him on the bed & tucking him inside a thick duvet.

But still, Taehyung didn't stop trembling, he can hear the incoherent words he is mumbling.

>>>Is he having a bad dream?

Hoseok sits beside him when the younger starts crying in his sleep mumbling something & reaching out to someone.

"Tae?? What happened?" Hoseok asks holding the younger's arms.

Then he hears it loud & clear, "Mr.Hades...*hic* please don't leave me *hic* I am not a gold digger *hic* I am not a slut *hic* please, believe me, *hic* I love you *hic*...p-please come back"

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