✧39. Daddy?✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

At The Beach Villa...

"M-Mr. H-Hades" Taehyung calls after his breath is even.

"Hm?" Hoseok responds looking at the younger still so gently.

"Why did you come there...that night? Was it a coincidence that you found me...or..." Taehyung asks he wants to know how Hoseok appeared there at the right time to rescue him.

"It wasn't a coincidence, Tae" Hoseok says.

"Then?" Taehyung asks.

"I was worried after you left crying like that...and it was raining that day on top of it, so I thought I would pick you up and drop you at your home..."


>>>Shit! Where did he go?

>>>He just ran, right? How can he go so far? Is he an athlete or something...?

He looks at the empty street with a worried expression on his face.

Hoseok is searching desperately for Taehyung then suddenly he hears a muffled scream. He stops the car and sees some men, and he gets down the car.

He squints his eyes to see clearly as the rain is pouring heavily his vision is a little blurry, nonetheless, he decides to see what those men are doing so he approaches them and hears,

"P-please! L-let *sobs*m-me *sobs* g-go!"

>>>Isn't this voice Taehyung's?

He moves closer and sees the men smirking while trying to undress Taehyung.

For some unknown reason, Hosek's blood boils seeing that scene, his eyes become fiery red.

Then he sees, Taehyung while struggling, kicking the man who is trying to take his pants off & frees himself, & takes some rod present there...

"Don't you dare come near me! You don't know...I know the Prosecutor Hoseok here! He will put you behind bars if you do anything to me!" Taehyung spits what comes to his mind at that time.

Hoseok smiles hearing that,

>>>Wait, why am I smiling now?

Then he hears one of the men saying,

"So you are saying you know that Prosecutor who lives in that area*points somewhere*? Do you want us to believe it? *Scoffs* look at you! With that clothes of yours, you are saying that you know that rich prosecutor? What a joke?" The men laugh & the black man suddenly goes & takes the rod while the other man holds Taehyung again.

>>>What the heck? So what if I am rich? It doesn't mean my clients can't be poor. These bastards really need some good lessons!

He gets worried when he hears Taehyung's screams "Noo! Leave me!! Let me go bastards!!"

>>>Shit! I have to hurry!

He starts running to the other side of the road where those men are harassing Taehyung,

He loses control when he sees a man in black ripping off Taehyung's shirt saying "I was thinking to be gentle with you but not now!"

He fists his hand, veins pop out as the blood surge through them, that's how much angry Hoseok is feeling then,

Taehyung screams "Nooo! Please *sobs* let me go!"

That scream brought Hoseok back from his immense anger,

"Love's Peril" ♔A Vhope Fiction♔✔️Where stories live. Discover now