Chapter 1

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It'd been five years since you were last home. You'd vowed that after you left for college, you wouldn't come back. But here you are, unpacking boxes in your new house. A few months ago, you'd gotten a call from your parents asking you to please come home so that you could help run their clothing store. You wanted to say no, but the more you thought about it, the more you realized you wanted to help. Of course, your sisters could have taken over and helped, but they didn't know anything about running a business. Hell, the only thing they were good at was shopping and flirting. Your sisters were the popular girls in school, while you focused on your school work and avoided other people.

"I should get to bed," you thought, looking at the clock. Your parents were expecting you at the store tomorrow. Letting out a deep breath, you stood up from the box you'd been unpacking and headed upstairs to freshen up before getting into bed.

"Y/N, WAKE UP!" You woke up to your phone ringing. On the other end of the line were your two best friends.

"It's 7 a.m. Why are you calling me so early, and how are you so full of energy?" you asked, slowly sitting up in bed.

"Well, first off, we haven't been to bed yet—perks of working all night. Secondly, you arrived yesterday, and we haven't seen you yet. So, we figured we could get some food and talk before you have to go to work." you heard your friend Sofi say while you stood up from the bed, stretching.

"Fine, I'll shower and get dressed."

"Meet us at Borahae Diner in an hour!" you heard Rain yell before you hung up the phone.

As soon as you got dressed, you headed to the diner to meet up with them.You three have been inseparable since you met in college. Then, a year ago, you decided to buy one of the businesses in town together . It wasn't an easy job at first. The previous owner and operator didn't take good care of it or his employees. But, you three managed to turn the place around to make it more high-end and less worn down and shady. Rain and Sofi were the faces of the business, while you preferred to stay behind the scene. With it being in the same town as your parents, and you not wanting them to know that you had a business of your own, you had all agreed it was the best decision.

"Y/N, over here!" you heard Sofi yell as soon as you stepped into the diner.

"Look at you and your fancy work clothes!"

"They aren't 'fancy', Rain. It's just slacks, a nice shirt, and some flats." you said sitting down. The three of you sat at the diner for an hour and caught up as you ate breakfast.

"So, when are you going to grace us with your presence at Cypher?" Rain asked as you paid for your meals.

"Not sure. I still have a lot of unpacking to do."

"Knowing you, it won't be too long. You're going to get stressed and need to let off some steam." You all laughed as soon as Sofi said that because it was true. Between moving and having to be around your sisters all day, you were going to get stressed for sure.

Stepping through the doors of Howling, you looked around and made your way to your Mom's office. The clothing store hadn't changed much over the years. Your parents had remodeled the inside every couple of years to keep things looking fresh and new.

"Y/N, sweety. You're here." Your mother said as she got up from her desk with a smile on her face. "We are so glad that you decided to come and help out. How's the new place?"

"I'm glad to be here too, Mom." You said as you hugged her. "The house is perfect, just like you said when you sent me the listing. Where's Dad and the twins?"

"Your father is downstairs in his office with his crew designing something. You know how he is, always trying to stay ahead of fashion. As for Brittany and Tiffany, they don't usually show up until the afternoon." Your mother said as you both moved over to her desk to take a seat.

"Why doesn't it surprise me that those two don't come in until the afternoon?" You said as you rolled your eyes.

"Well, look at the bright side. At least you won't have to be around them much." Your mother said with a chuckle. She knew you didn't get along very well with your sisters.

"So, what's the plan for the day?" You asked.

"Well, we have a few clients coming in today that have appointments, as well our usual walk-ins. If you want, you can help me with those when they come in. But I think it would be good if you did a walkthrough of the floor. Inventory needs to be done, and the clothes need to be checked so that we can let your father know if anything needs to be fixed or restocked."

"Sounds good to me. Let's do this." You followed your mother out of her office and around the store as she showed you what to do. Once you both were confident that you knew what you were doing, she left you alone to work.

The shop was a pretty good size, and you never could figure out how your parents had managed to run it all these years without hiring help. You guys had been away for college, and by the amount of work your mother just gave you, you could see that your sisters hadn't been much help over the years. But you loved working and keeping busy, so you were more than happy to help your Mom with her workload.

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