Chapter 5

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"Good evening, gentlemen," Sofi said with a smile as soon as you three reached the table.

"Hello, ladies." You heard Namjoon say.

"I'm Rain; this is Sofi, and this is Violet." Rain said as she pulled you out from behind her, causing you to stumble slightly in your heels.

"Woah there, Violet." Rain grabbed ahold of your arm so that you didn't face plant onto the table. "Sorry about that. She's a bit clumsy."

"She didn't look very clumsy dancing around in those heels earlier." You looked at Hobi, who was smiling at you.

"She becomes a different person when she's dancing. But when she's not...well, she turns back into her normal self." Sofi said.

"We understand that completely. So what can we do for you, ladies?"

"Well, we wanted to introduce ourselves. We are the owners of Cypher. Rain and I have seen you all in here before, and we wanted to stop by since the three of us are here tonight."

"And here you guys thought they were coming over to flirt." you heard Yoongi say, in Korean.

"Nope, sorry, no flirting while we are on the clock," Sofi said with a smile. Seven pairs of eyes widened at the fact that she knew Korean.

"You know, Korean?" A wide-eyed Jungkook asked.

"Yes. All three of us do. Violet had a roommate in college that was Korean. We helped her with her English, and she taught us Korean. We even spent a couple of summers in Seoul with her."

"Interesting," Jin said as he looked at you.

"Well, like I said. We just wanted to stop by and say 'hi.' We'll let you guys go back to having a good time." Sofi said as you held a mini staring contest with Jin.

"It was nice meeting you, ladies. Hopefully, we'll meet again soon." You heard Jimin say as Rain pulled you away from the table. "Maybe we'll see you dance again soon, Violet." he smiled and waved.

You stumbled into Rain again, which caused you and your friends to laugh. Once back at the bar, you sat down and took off your heels.

"Safety." you said as the two of them laughed.

"Maybe you should have taken them off before you headed over there," Sofi said as she headed back behind the bar.

"I didn't have a chance. Rain pulled me with her." you pointed at Rain as she grabbed a bottle of water to take back with her.

"That's true. I did." Rain laughed. "Alright, I'm heading back to the booth. Don't do anything fun while I'm gone."

You sat at the bar drinking while you people watched. It was strange to see people enjoying something that you and your friends helped create. Owning a club wasn't something any of you had ever thought about doing, but something about it just felt right.

"Here, eat these." You turned back around to face Sofi.

"Nachos? How did you know I wanted nachos?" You said as you started to eat.

"Magic!" Sofi waved her arms around as she walked away to take care of her other customers.

You happily ate your nachos and listened to the music pulsing through the club. Coming out to Cypher tonight was a good idea. After you filled up on nachos and water, you had Sofi call one of the club drivers to see if any of them were available to drive you home.

"Rain and I will drop your car off when we get off work." She said as she leaned over the bar and hugged you.

"Thank you. I...ouch!" You stubbed your toe on the stool as you tried to walk away from the bar.

"Woah there, Violet." You heard a deep voice beside you as a hand grabbed your arm so you wouldn't fall. Judging by Sofi's wide eyes, you had a good idea who had just said that.

"Thank you," you said as you turned and looked at Taehyung.

"No problem, Violet. Maybe you should have kept the shoes on so you didn't stub your toes," Taehyung said with a smile.

"If I would have had these things on, then I would have caused more damage." you laughed as you picked up your shoes.

"Before I go back to the table, are you going to be ok, or do I need to stick around just in case I have to catch you again?"

"I'll be ok, I promise. I was getting ready to head backstage to grab my stuff so that I could go home."

"You sure?" he asked, looking you over.

"Yes, I'll be fine. I'm not wearing heels, so walking will be easier." you smiled at him.

"Ok, have a good night, and see you around, Violet."

"You too." You waved at him as he walked away.

"The car is out back," Sofi said from behind you. "You should go before you hurt yourself anymore tonight." she laughed.

"Good idea." you said as you started to walk away. "That was too close." You breathed out as you looked over at the guys' table before heading backstage.

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