Chapter 33

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 The sound of your door shutting woke you up. Whoever had checked on you wasn't as quiet as everyone else had been. Feeling a little bold, you slowly got out of bed and made your way to the restroom to see if you were able to at least walk that far by yourself. When nobody came back up by the time you'd finished, you had an idea. You looked at your door as you sat back down. If you used the wall as support, you might be able to make it to Jin's room without having to rest too much. You just hoped that whoever was downstairs was either asleep or wouldn't be able to hear you. With a deep breath, you stood up and slowly made your way across your room.

"Son of a pickle!" You jumped when you opened your door.

"Finally." Hobi and Jimin said as they got up off the floor.

"What are you two doing on the floor?" you asked, leaning against the door frame.

"Waiting for you. We tried to be as noisy as possible so that you'd wake up." Jimin said with a proud smile.

"Well, it worked." you said with a chuckle.

"But we didn't calculate how slow you'd be," Hobi said as he put his arm around your waist. "Now, let's try and hurry before Sofi hears us."

"Where are we going?" You now had both men on either side of you for support.

"We are taking you to Jin," Jimin said happily.

Your heart sank as soon as Hobi opened Jin's bedroom door. He looked so pale and fragile lying in his bed. You gave a small smile to Alice as she looked up from cleaning his wound. It was about the size of her tiny fist and had lines coming from it because of the silver.

"He's going to be okay, Violet," Hobi whispered in your ear. "He needs your strength to help speed up the process, though."

"How am I going to help?" you asked as you sat down on the bed beside Jin and held his hand.

"Just like that Y/N." Alice said as she cleaned up the supplies. "Just like he helped you with your shoulder injury." You looked at her wide-eyed as you started to blush. "Well, without the orgasm. So the PG13 version."

"Alice!" You quietly yelled at your friend while Jimin and Hobi tried to keep down their laughter.

"What? It's not like everyone doesn't already know." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Fuck me." you said as you rubbed your hand across your face.

"Yell if you need anything. We'll be back to get you in a few hours." Alice said as she hugged you before they left.

You let out a breath as soon as the door closed. Staring at your mate, you felt tears come to your eyes. He didn't deserve this; none of you did. You should have been more careful and paid more attention to what was going on around you that night. Hell, you should have gone home before it was even nighttime. But you'd gotten lost in your thoughts and then in each other. You couldn't have known that the attack was coming or that your sister would be there with a gun.

"Just to let you know, it's not fair that you still look so handsome, and I looked like crap." you said to him as you wiped your tears from your cheeks. "You could have at least stopped being WorldWide Handsome while you're lying here passed out." You reached up and moved his bangs to the side.

You let out another deep breath to calm your emotions and turned off the bedside lamp. After you stood up enough to pull the blanket down, you moved Jin's arm and curled up next to him before gently pulling it back up. You placed a soft kiss on his mark then rested your head on his chest. The sound of his heart beating and his breathing was calming to both you and your wolf.

"Please wake up soon." you said softly as you gently laid your hand on the bandage and closed your eyes.

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