Chapter 9

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"Y/N," you heard Yoongi say softly. "Y/N, we're here. You need to wake up." As you opened your eyes, you realized that not only had you fallen asleep, you had somehow ended up with your head on his shoulder.

"I am so sorry." you said as you sat up and looked at him.

"It's ok. You're cute when you sleep."

"Ouch, Yoongi. Are you saying she isn't cute when she's awake?" you heard Namjoon behind you as he was helping unload.

"No, I'm saying she's also cute when she's sleeping. She does this cute little snoring thing, and when I tried to wake her up the first couple of times, she did this cute little moaning thing."

"Oh, Jesus." You laughed as you got out of the van. "I'm going to be a constant shade of red around you guys."

"You look cute when your face turns red too." You slowly picked up your bags and looked wide-eyed at Jin. "What?" he smiled.

"I'm going to go find my sisters." you said as you headed into the hotel.

"Ok," Tiffany said as soon as everyone was in the lobby, "We have two different suites. A smaller one for us girls and a bigger one for the guys."

"We'll all meet up in the restaurant for dinner in two hours. That should give everyone enough time to do whatever." Brittany said as she handed everyone a room key.

"Are you going to be ok in a suite with your sisters?" Taehyung asked beside you.

"I'll be fine. I can always leave the room if they get on my nerves too much." you said as you entered the elevator.

"If you ever need an escape, you can always come to our room." Taehyung smiled.

"I'm not sure if I could handle that." you said as the elevator reached your floor.

You followed your sisters to your suite. They took the room with the two beds while you happily got a single bed on the other side of the shared living room.

"Where are you going?" Tiffany asked as soon as you left your room after changing your clothes.

"Well, since we have two hours before our meet-up, I figured that I'd take a walk on the beach." you said as you grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"You're going to wear shorts and a tank top for dinner?"

"Yes, I am Tiff. I won't be the only one there dressed casually."

"Whatever, just don't be late." she said as you exited the suite.

Might as well be. It's not like you two are going to be on time. you said to yourself as you pushed the elevator button.

"Hello Y/N," the elevator doors opened up to all seven of the Bangtan Boys.

"I'll wait for the next one." you said as you stared at the guys.

"Nope," Jimin said as he pulled you into the elevator, "there's plenty of room for you."

"So, where are you guys going?" you asked as you stared at the doors.

"Just going to have a look around. What about you?"

"I was going to go for a walk on the beach."

"I figured you had gotten tired of your sisters already," Jungkook said beside you.

"Not yet." you smiled at him.

You said goodbye to the guys, and you headed towards the beach. You loved the feeling of the warm sand under your bare feet as you walked around. You got lost in the sounds of the waves crashing on the shore and the feel of the warm sun on your skin.

Secrets Underneath The Moon/ BTS Jin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now