Chapter 28

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"Don't look back. Just run." Jin said as he held your face in his hands. "Remember the house that we passed by a mile back?" You nodded. "Run to them. Have them sound the alarm."

"Oh, is Y/N scared?" You looked back over to your sisters and the men they were standing beside.

"Y/N," Jin pulled your attention back to him. "Run now!" he growled out.

You squeezed his hand and then ran. You could hear your sisters behind you as you made it to the tree line and shifted. You ran as hard and as fast as you could, still hearing them behind you. Jin's cry of pain made you lose focus for a split second, but it was long enough for you not to see the fallen down tree that was in front of you.

"Fuck!" you screamed out in pain as you fell mid-shift and hit your head on the ground.

"Aw, what's wrong Y/N? Did your weak wolf give out on you?" You were so out of it you couldn't tell where her voice was coming from.

"Aw, look at her, Britt. Our poor sister is hurt." You heard Tiffany say.

"Well, then I guess we'll just have to put her out of her misery."

You were up and running before they moved. You knew you were almost to the house. You could see the field light shining through the trees. Violet tried as hard as she could to help you focus as you ran. Branches scraped across your bare skin, and your feet hurt. Before you reached the tree line, you heard a yelp come from your right, and someone grabbed hold of your arm. Someone placed a hand over your mouth as you were pulled to someone's chest.

"Don't make a sound." A man's voice whispered in your ear.


"Y/N, are you ok?" Your eyes shot open in panic to see Jin sitting in front of you.

"I'm fine. It was just a bad dream." you said, snuggling further under the blanket.

"Are you sure? I can still hear your heart racing." He brushed your hair away from your face.

"Can you stay? At least until I fall back to sleep, please?"

"Sure, Nae Sarang." he said as he got up and walked to the other side of the bed. You felt the bed shift as he got himself situated behind you. You scooted your back as close to his chest as possible as he curled up around you. You needed to be held by him. You needed to feel his warmth. Your body relaxed with the light touch of his lips on the crook of your neck. "Good night, Nae Sarang." he whispered in your ear before you fell back to sleep.

"Damnit." You opened your eyes to see Jin standing just outside the bathroom door looking at you.

"What's wrong?" you ask as he mumbled to himself.

"Why didn't you give me a little warning that you slept in that?" he said as he pointed at your body.

"I was too tired to put pajamas on last night."

"When I left to go to the bathroom, you were still under the covers, and I didn't notice last night."

"Calm down, Jin. It's just underwear and a tank top." you said as you rolled over. "You're standing there in nothing but your pajama pants, and I'm not complaining."

"Mine doesn't show as much as yours, Y/N." You laid there staring into the darkness, trying to control your emotions so that he couldn't tell what you were feeling. The sight of him standing there when you opened your eyes stirred up the feeling of need that you were trying so hard to control.

Secrets Underneath The Moon/ BTS Jin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now