Chapter 29

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 The next morning you moaned and snuggled further in the warm blankets. "Y/N, I have to go to work," Jin said as he placed a small kiss on your temple. "I'll see you when I get home." You felt him get off the bed.

"Have a good day." you mumbled after you rolled to your back and saw him at the door.

"I will Nae Sarang." he said before heading down the stairs.

You let out a groan and stretched before you got out of bed and headed toward the bathroom. You needed a nice warm shower to relax your sore muscles. Breakfast was the next thing on your mind. After you had gotten dressed you made your way down to the kitchen.

"What the hell?" You stopped looking for food when an overwhelming feeling of excitement and curiosity hit you. You let out a screech and jumped when the doorbell went off.

"She's glowing." Rain said as soon as you opened the door.

"Like a bright sunny day," Sofi said, staring at you.

"Violet has gotten stronger."

"I know I feel it too." Sofi and Rain kept talking as if you couldn't hear them.

"Jimin was right." Rain said.

"Of course he was. My man is never wrong." Sofi looked away from you to give Rain an evil look.

"Hey!" you shouted, causing them both to jump. "Are you going to come in or are you going to keep talking like I'm not here?"

"We brought breakfast burritos and coffee." Rain smiled as they lifted their arms to show you. You stepped back so that they could enter.

"We figured you'd be too tired to make anything after last night." You turned and looked at the door after it slammed shut.

"What are you talking about?" you asked as you followed them to the kitchen.

"We know that you and Jin completed the bond last night," Sofi said.

"How?" You sat down on one of the bar stools and watched as they got the food out.

"We can feel it because we know you well enough, and we can also see it. Just like the guys did with Jin this morning." Rain sat a burrito in front of you. "Also you might want to be careful. Your strength, along with the rest of your senses, are going to be on overdrive for a few days. So be a little easier on doors until your body evens everything out."

"Thank god, I thought I was imagining that. Like last night I could hear the fibers in the sheet stretching." You looked up from your food to see them both staring at you again.

"Keep going!" They both shouted at the same time.

"I am not going to tell you guys every detail of my night." you said.

"You're no fun." Rain pouted, making you laugh.

The three of you sat around for a few hours talking and drinking coffee. You finally had enough of the questions and told them about how Jin ended up in your bed last night. They were content with that little bit of info and also squealed when you showed them your mark.

"Did you feel that?" You sat up straight. About noon you all felt the shift in the air around you. Growing silent you looked at each other.

"Somethings wrong." Rain said as she stood up.

"What do we do?" you asked as you and Sofi stood beside Rain.

"I don't know." Rain answered softly. The three of you jumped as the front door flung open. Jin, Jimin, and Jungkook barged into the house and started quickly securing all the windows and doors.

"What the hell is going on?" Sofi asked.

"They've escaped," Jungkook said as he walked past you towards the backdoor.

"Who?" the three of you asked as you turned to look at him.

"About twenty prisoners, including your sisters," Jin said as he came running down the stairs.

"What do you mean my sisters? They were..." Your words were cut off by the sound of the alarm ringing. You cried out in pain as you covered your overly sensitive ears and fell to your knees.

"Bring her to the hall closet." You heard a muffled Jin say.

Rain and Sofi helped you up off the floor and guided you to the closet. Hidden behind the coats was a door. As soon as Sofi opened it a light turned on showing a set of stairs that led to a door for the bunker. Once the door was shut you sighed and removed your hands from your ears. The room was about the size of the living room. One of the corners had desks with monitors on them, and as the guys turned them on you could see different parts of the town and around the outside of the house.

"Where are my parents?" you asked as you watched Steve and another man search your property.

"They are in their bunker with the rest of the guys," Jin said, not taking his eyes off the tv that Jimin was using to flip through different camera angles.

"Those motherfuckers!" Rain stood up and yelled causing her chair to hit the floor. She pointed at the second screen that showed the woods on the south side of the land. You stood there, shocked with your hand over your mouth as you watched two men shift to wolves and your sisters climbing on their backs just before they ran into the woods."I'm going to kill them!"

"You're not going anywhere," Jungkook said as he and Jin blocked her from leaving the bunker. "We need you to stay here. Our best warriors and trackers are taking care of them."

"If you two do not move right now so help me god." Her blue eyes glowed brightly as she tried to steady her breathing.

"Rain," you said softly, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Please don't go out there just yet. We don't know how many there actually are and I need you here."

"Fine." She tilted her head back to calm both herself and her wolf down. "But, I'm going to kill them one of these days, Y/N." Her eyes had turned back to their normal brown when she looked at you.

"Me too!" Sofi yelled from the other side of the room.

"I know you both will." You put your arm around Rain's shoulders. "And I'll be there cheering you on."

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