Chapter 12

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"I think I'm just going to stay here tonight. I'm too tired to walk across the hotel to my room." You said as you fell onto the sofa in Sofi and Rain's room.

"Fine by us." Rain said as she put down her bags and fell beside you.

After breakfast, the three of you had spent the whole day hanging out. Shopping, eating, just goofing around. None of you were going to let the rain stop you from enjoying your friend's day.

"Hello?" You were woken up about 2:30 in the morning to your phone ringing.

"Y/N, the store is on fire!" Your mother cried on the other side of the phone.

"It's what?" you shouted, now fully awake.

"What's wrong?" Rain and Sofi shot up out of bed.

"Mom, what do you mean the store's on fire?"

"It's gone. The fire department couldn't get here fast enough." Your mom cried. "It's all gone."

"Tell her we are on our way," Sofi said as she and Rain started to pack.

"Mom, I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Your father is on the phone with one of the guys. I couldn't get a hold of your sisters."

"I will wake them. We'll be there as quickly as we can." you said as you put on your shoes.

"Be careful. Love you."

"Love you too, Mom." You hung up the phone and looked at your two best friends.

"Oh, honey." Rain said as she and Sofi brought you in for a hug.

"I need to go wake my sisters."

"You go wake them and get your stuff. We've got everything in this room." Rain said as she wiped a tear from your cheek.

"We'll get my car and meet you out front, ok?" You nodded to Sofi before you exited the room.

You ran as fast as you could to the other side of the hotel. You didn't slow down until you got to the elevator.

"Come on, you stupid elevator." You said as you smashed the button and tried to catch your breath. "What the hell is taking so freaking long?"

"Y/N?" You didn't notice that the elevator doors had opened.

"Namjoon, I need to go wake my sisters and grab my stuff."

"Breathe, Y/N." Namjoon walked out of the elevator and grabbed hold of your shoulders. "You're going to make yourself pass out if you don't."

"Ok." You took a deep breath and looked at him. "Sofi and Rain are bringing the car around so that they can drive me."

"Give me your suite key." You looked away from Namjoon to see Hobi standing behind him.


"We've been trying to wake up your sisters for about 20 minutes." He stepped closer to you. "Give me your key. We'll wake them up and make sure all your stuff is packed."

"Thank you." you said as you handed Hobi your key.

"It's no problem, Violet." Hobi gave you a small smile before he turned around to get back on the elevator.

"I'm going to ride with the girls," Namjoon said beside you.

"You are?" You turned to look at him.

"Already figured that," Hobi said as the doors closed.

"Do you think any one of us would feel ok with the three of you driving in the middle of the night by yourselves?"

"No, I guess not."

Secrets Underneath The Moon/ BTS Jin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now