Chapter 30

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"Who's that?" you asked as you stretched and looked at the group on the opposite side of the practice grounds.

It'd been five months since the group had come to BigHit. Yes, you were safer here, but things still hadn't settled down much. The day after you and Jin had marked each other was a stressful day for the pack. About mid-morning, twenty inmates had escaped their cells. You watched in anger as your two sisters disappeared into the woods with a group of men.

Your connection to Jin and the group grew stronger each day. You were now able to know what they were feeling and thinking with just one look. After your sisters had escaped, you decided as a group to keep your completed bond with Jin a secret. You knew your sisters well enough to know that they wouldn't end things without a fight. When you practiced your fighting skills with other pack members, you didn't use your full strength. You only used it when you were alone with the group.

"We call her Drama," said Sabrina, who was stretching beside you. Sabrina was Taehyung's mate. You'd met her along with Yoongi's mate Amber and Hobi's mate Alice within your first month here. Just like with Ava, your meeting wasn't planned, and the connection was instant.

"Drama?" You chuckled out as you continued to examine the group that you all would be sparing with today.

"She loves being the center of attention," Sabrina said with a shrug.

"And she's always trying to steal my mate," Amber growled.

"Most of the time, we just call her 'that bitch'." Alice said as the seven of you laughed while you got in position.

"What are you humans laughing at?" The brunette growled out, looking at you, Alice and Sabrina. You couldn't help the laugh that escaped you. She was correct; the three of you had been human at one point. You guys were the only ones in the group who hadn't been born wolves. But you could tell by just looking at her and the other six women that you were a hell of a lot stronger than them.

"I'm gonna kick her ass." Rain said.

"Save it for the fight, ladies." Michelle, one of the female trainers, said. "I want a clean scrimmage." She looked at both groups. "The whole point in this is to build strength and skill. Not to kill or severely injure each other. Got it?" The fourteen of you hummed in agreement. You gave a glance to the brunette bitch that was standing in front of Amber.

"I'll watch them," Sofi said. Once your eyes met hers, you both had an unspoken conversation because you knew the brunette wouldn't fight clean.

As soon as the whistle sounded, the scrimmage began. The blonde you were fighting was a good match for you. But it didn't take long for you to figure out her weaknesses. She favored her left side, meaning that it was a good target area. Although she was fast, she wasn't very strong and got winded easily. You saw something switch in her eyes, and as the whistle to shift rang across the field, you were being thrown in the air.

Your breath was knocked out of you when your body hit the ground. You laid there attempting to catch your breath, you could feel it—the feeling of fear and anger coming from the other six women. But with one of them, the feeling was more intense. You rolled your head to the side and saw that it was now a full-on fight with a mixture of wolves and humans. The other team hadn't waited for the second whistle to switch and caught everyone off guard. Even Michelle was in wolf form trying to break up a fight between Sofi, Rain, and two other wolves.

As soon as you found the person you could sense the most, you were on your feet and moving. It only took you a few steps before you shifted, letting Violet take over. She wasn't happy. In the center of the field lay Amber in human form pinned down by a light brown wolf, and another one was going for her neck. The two wolves were messing with her family, and she was going to make them pay.

Violet locked eyes with Amber for a second before putting her head down. You and her both knew what was about to happen. A few seconds later, you felt Violet's head ram the side of the brunette wolf. The two of you tumbled on the ground fighting, taking her further away from Amber.

"Shift!" Violet growled at the wolf that was pinned beneath her. The fear in her eyes wasn't enough for your white wolf. She wanted her to pay for what she and her friends did. "I said shift, goddammit!" The two of you finally turned back to human form as you heard Michelle get closer. But you did not move.

"Come on Y/N," Rain said as she and Sofi lifted you off the now crying brunette.

"She's not worth the trouble." Sofi turned you around. You heard Michelle yelling at the other group as Ava looked you over and wiped the blood from a cut on your cheek.

"Why are you just yelling at us? They were in on it too." The seven of you froze when one of the girls said that.

"Settle down, Trish. They'll get what's coming to them soon." You all turned around to see a smirk on the brunette's face.

"Excuse me, what was that?" you asked, making your way back over to her.

"You heard me, human." She crossed her arms. "They will be back real soon to take care of you. And they are stronger" She didn't have to say who. You knew exactly who she was talking about. Before you or anyone else knew it, your fist had connected with her face. You heard her nose pop and saw blood as a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist.

"Woah, take it easy Y/N. I'm not going to hurt you." You didn't even realize you were trying to fight him off as he carried you across the field.

"Sorry, Sejin," you said as you looked down at the scratches on his arms.

"It's ok. I've had worse." he shrugged.

"You can put me down now." you said, realizing that you two had left the field.

"Not until she's off the field, and I know you are far enough away." he said as he kept walking.

"She said my sisters were 'going to come back'." You leaned your head back and rested it on his shoulder.

"I know, I heard." He had finally stopped walking and let you down.

"Do you know what she meant by 'they are stronger?" You turned to look at the man.

"No, unfortunately, I don't. But we've had our suspicions about her and her little group ever since the breakout." He said, glancing back at the field once more.

"Suspicions about what? don't mean?"

"That they helped them escape? Yes." he said matter of factly. Anger shot through your body once again.

"Oof." Sejin had stepped in front of you, stopping you from going after her again.

"Calm down." he said softly as he held onto you once more. As you tried to fight him and he tried to call you, a memory flashed in your mind. The man who pulled you to his chest in your dream while your sisters were chasing you was him. He was the man who was trying to help you.

"I'm going to kill her." You spat out as you moved away from him.

"But not today." He chuckled. "Now, go run off that anger, or I'll carry you to Jin." he said as he turned you towards the woods.

"You should be more worried about Rain and Sofi getting to her first." You turned your head and smiled.

"That would be why Steve and a couple of the other guys are with them now." Sejin mouthed 'go' as he pointed towards the tree line.

"Fine." That was all you said before you took off running.

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