Chapter 16

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You sat on the floor for a while after they left. Your head was still filled with so many questions. Why of all people did the wolf choose to bite you? Were you going to become a werewolf? One of the Bangtan Boys was your mate? Why did your dad ask Sofi and Rain to watch over you?

"I need some air." you said to yourself as you slowly stood up. After you grabbed a jacket from the hall closet, you headed out to the front porch to sit on the swing.

You took a deep breath when you stepped outside, already feeling a little calmer. As you sat there with your injured leg relaxed on the swing, you used your other leg to move the swing.

You stared at your driveway. Memories of the attack replayed in your head. You could still feel the fear that shot through you and the feeling of the wolf's teeth biting into your leg.

"Who the hell is that?" You stood up from the swing and watched the car drive up your driveway.

"Hey," Yoongi said with a smile, stepping out of the car.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, we came to check on you." he answered walking onto the porch.


Yoongi pointed towards the treeline by your driveway. Your breath hitched when you saw two brown wolves walk out of the treeline.

"They aren't going to hurt you Y/N," Yoongi said softly beside you.

"How do you know?" Scapitcal at the wolves that came to a stop at the edge of your driveway.

"Watch." Yoongi pointed to them and you watched as both of their bodies started to move.

"Holy shit!" Namjoon and Hobi now stood in place of the wolves. "I need a drink."

You heard the three of them laugh as they followed you into your house. After you poured some whiskey in a cup and handed the bottle to Yoongi, you went and sat on the couch.

"You ok Y/N?" Hobi asked, sitting next to you.

"Let's see...I just found out that werewolves are real, and I just watched two of you shift from wolves to humans. Yep, I'm fine." you said before taking a drink. "Wait, is one of you, my mate?"

"We can't answer that," Namjoon answered as he and Yoongi entered the living room.

"Of course, you can't." you rolled your eyes and took another drink before leaning back. "So, what are the three of you doing here, and where are the other four?"

"The others are still away on business," Yoongi said. "As for the three of us? Well, we've come to make sure you're taken care of, and that nothing else happens to you."

"Why would something else happen to me? Well, besides the fact that I might turn into a werewolf."

"Correction," Namjoon said as he held up a finger. "You are going to turn into a wolf. We got a call from Rain and Sofi. Earlier, when you got angry, your eyes changed colors. They turned violet."

"What!" You sat up straight. "That's not an eye color."

"Only special wolves have unnatural eye colors. Strong ones who are meant to change the world." You looked at Namjoon. He smiled at you as his dark brown eyes turned into the most beautiful blue and silver eyes you'd ever seen. Then you turned to look at Hobi as his eyes turned into a ruby red color and then to Yoongi, who had shiny black eyes.

"Holy shit." you put a hand over your mouth. "Wait, what about the other four?"

"Their eyes are the same way. It also explains why you, a human, are bonded to one of us. Well, we figured it out already because the unique eye-colored wolves are always mated together." Yoongi said, handing you another drink.

"I don't remember the wolf that bit me having unique colored eyes."

"That asshole wasn't one of us." Hobi spat out.

"But why did he pick me? Is he going to come back and finish his job?"

"Y/N, that fucker will never hurt you again." Yoongi knelt in front of you. "Rain ripped his throat out after she knocked him off of you."

"She did what?" You looked at him wide-eyed.

"You said that you remembered something knocking the wolf away, right?" You nodded at him. "That was Rain. After you had left Cypher, she and Sofi followed you in wolf form."

"They saved my life? But they could have gotten hurt." you said as tears came to your eyes.

"They love you, Y/N. You have always been like a sister to them. They will do anything to protect you." Yoongi wiped away a tear falling down your cheek.

The four of you sat and talked for a few hours. You learned that all seven of them had come to America as part of their training. They were only supposed to be here a year at most, but once your mate recognized you, they agreed to stay and make trips back to Korea whenever it was needed.

When they landed in the U.S. the first people they'd met were your parents. Who had a few secrets of their own, it seemed. The family business wasn't just the shop. The clothes they made and sold were for wolves, specifically made so that they wouldn't tear when they shifted.

Not wanting to keep anything hidden, your parents were told about you being connected to one of the guys. They were happy when they heard the news and promised not to tell you or anyone else.

When you left for college, your mate decided not to follow you. He wanted you to be able to do whatever you wanted, even if that meant you'd fall in love with someone else.

Your parents and the guys did worry about you being so far away. The guys had enemies. People who didn't like the way their families had changed things in Korea. They'd taken over the top three packs, and things were changing. So your dad got in contact with Rain and Sofi.

Your best friends were some of the best warriors in the area. They gladly did the favor for your dad and the Bangtan Boys.

"They have unnatural eyes, too," Namjoon said as Hobi put a fresh bandage on your leg. "Rain has light blue eyes, and Sofi's eyes are the color of Hobi's."

"Does that mean that two of you are their mates?" you asked while Hobi finished up.

"We could be. But remember, there are other wolves like us." Yoongi helped you up from the couch. Your leg was hurting from all the pacing you'd done earlier.

"I think they are, and you're just not telling me."

"I guess you'll just have to find out when the time comes." he chuckled.

"Go rest up Y/N. Tomorrow we start training. The next blue moon is two months away, so we don't have a lot of time to prepare you for your first shift." Hobi said, helping Yoongi walk you up the stairs.

"Will it hurt?" you asked softly when you'd reached the top of the stairs.

"Depends on how strong you are and if you listen to us." Yoongi answered with a small smile.

Secrets Underneath The Moon/ BTS Jin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now